in which albus realizes there's an even bigger nerd in hogwarts than rose weasley.
There were quite a lot of things that Albus Potter was good at. Things that might actually come in useful at some point, like Potions. Or even Charms. He was quite skilled at Defence (he firmly believed that his father's additional holiday lessons had nothing to do with that) and while flying, he could pull out of a sharp drive with his broom (and bones) fully intact. That was something, wasn't it?
But one thing that completely stumped him, through and through, was history. He hated learning the names and tales of witches and wizards who'd helped "pave the way" as Professor Binns claimed, towards modern magic. It was something he deemed completely unnecessary. After all, what was there to gain by knowing when Stupefy was first used? Or the duration of the goblin revolution?
Spells were invented at some point, and now they were in use. Wasn't that really all that mattered? It wasn't as if knowing how the damn things came to be would help advance them any further.
Albus personally thought History of Magic was the dullest class at Hogwarts. They didn't do much besides take notes and listen to their ghastly professor drone on and on about wars, warlocks, and on what Albus considered good days, historical potion making.
He buried his face in his arms, closing his eyes. It may have been dreadful, but history was a great class to take if you wanted to catch up on some sleep.
He'd often joked that insomniacs could merely listen to a tape recorder of one of Binns' lectures, and they'd be able to fall asleep in no time. Rose had rolled her eyes, but everyone else had laughed (after he'd explained what exactly a tape recorder was, of course), so he paid her no mind. His cousin had an awfully dry sense of humour anyway.
The caffeine he'd consumed that morning fought desperately to keep him awake, and after half an hour of trying to rest to no avail, he let out a frustrated sigh and lifted his head back up.
"Good morning, sleepyhead. You only missed every point that Binns said would be on our exams," came Rose's bored whisper from the seat beside him.
You could really tell a class was tedious if even Rose Granger-Weasley sounded bored. Despite that, he still hadn't been able to convince her to skip a single lesson.
"It's afternoon, and I wasn't asleep," was his response, which came out muffled as he decided burying his face in his arms was still a better option than trying and failing to listen to the lecture while Rose poked him with her quill every time he zoned out. Which, considering how monotone Binns' voice was, happened considerably often.
He heard Rose's sigh and the familiar scratching of her quill on parchment, and smiled into his arms slightly, knowing she wasn't going to sacrifice her precious note taking time to try and keep him alert.
After a few minutes of unsatisfying rest, the room slowly started to increase in volume, and Albus looked back up.
"Is class over already?" He asked, slightly hopeful, as people began to stand up.
"No, you idiot. He said we could work with each other to answer the questions on the board. You have a terrible sense of hearing, you know that?" Rose asked, but there was no real malice in her voice.

undeniable | scorbus
Fanfiction(popular albus x nerd scorpius) it's not scorpius's fault he's in love with albus potter. who isn't? as for albus, well, he's just trying to figure out why he's so enamoured by the quiet, slightly anxious nerd he was partnered with in potions class...