five - scorpius

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scorpius realized he has a little bit of an obsession with albus's eyes...


That was the colour of Albus Potter's eyes. There was simply no other way to describe them; they were pure, unadulterated emeralds. They glittered and shone in the glow of the golden lights from the ceiling, sometimes appearing softer, sometimes darker, depending on the angle.

The flashes reflecting off of them emphasized their gem-like appearance. It would have been truly unjust if he'd been placed any house but Slytherin; his robes matched his eyes perfectly. Scorpius wondered if he even knew.

Albus's eyes were emeralds, and they were beautiful.

Of course Scorpius had seen people with green eyes before. Soft, light greens that reminded him of nature on a cloudy day. Even darker, subtle bluish greens that were the colours of a deep ocean. But never any emeralds.

There was also the fact that Albus's hair was jet black (and a bit of a mess, but in an almost intentional, bedhead way) and contrasted intensely with his light skin, making his eyes stand out all the more in between his thick lashes.

If Albus ever decided to try using eyeliner, Scorpius had a feeling he would need to be taken to the hospital wing. He wondered if Madam Pomfrey had a cure for heart attacks.

He tried to focus on his work (he always did), but it was a little nerve wracking while he was sitting next to Albus.

Albus asked him the occasional question, and Scorpius didn't comment on the fact that some of them were topics they'd learned back in third year. Albus's Potions expertise more than made up for his short attention span in history.

"How come ghosts don't fall through the floor? They can walk through walls, so it makes no sense. If they did go through the floor, would they just keep falling? Like, through the planet? They'd be able to see the core of the earth! And it wouldn't even hurt them, because they're already dead!" Albus was saying.

Scorpius noticed he'd only answered one out of the twelve questions on the board.

"How did we get to this conversation?" Scorpius asked, but he supposed the question was one he'd never actually thought about before.

"I was just wondering. I thought you'd know, considering you're a nerd and all," Albus teased, and Scorpius laughed.

"If I was a ghost nerd, I'd probably be able to answer your question... I would assume it's because ghosts can float. Which means they could probably see the core of the earth if they just stopped floating," Scorpius responded, and Albus looked intrigued. "Hogwarts should really have a ghost-physics class."

"If they did, I wouldn't be here, that's for sure," Albus pointed out. "You'd miss out on these intellectual conversations."

"That would be truly unfortunate," Scorpius grinned.

"That sounded an awful lot like sarcasm," Albus said, but he was smiling too.

Scorpius averted his gaze back to the blackboard, hoping Albus wouldn't be able to literally hear his heart pound. No wonder Albus seemed to always get what he wanted. Scorpius thought his smile could have stopped traffic.

"It wasn't, I really do enjoy working with you," Scorpius responded honestly, and Albus grinned even wider.

Merlin. Scorpius thought he must have lost at least a year of his life by being around Albus, even just for a few short periods. His stomach wouldn't seem to sit still, and it wasn't just because of the plate of strawberry scones he'd eaten for breakfast.

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