basically just chocolate and rule breaking.
The last thing Scorpius expected to see when he walked into his dorm room later that evening, slightly crestfallen from his unsuccessful search, was Albus Potter sitting on his bed, holding a giant bag of Honeydukes sweets.
Scorpius almost thought he'd have been less surprised if he'd walked in on his roommates hosting a tea party.
His eyes widened as Albus immediately jumped off the bed, giving him a tentative smile.
"How - how did you know where my room was?" Scorpius gaped at him. It was a completely welcome surprise of course, but it was difficult to adjust. Albus was in his room. On his bed.
"We've been in the same house for years. I know where everyone's room is," Albus raised a brow, as if this was obvious information. "I figured this one was your bed, seeing as the other two look like they haven't been made since first year."
Scorpius just stared at him, unable to keep the disbelieving look off his face. The person he'd been hoping to find had apparently been looking for him too. The thought made something flutter inside him. Albus didn't seem to acknowledge the fact that Scorpius likely looked like he'd been hit with a stunning spell.
"Anyway, I have a delivery for you." Albus handed him the heavy bag, a glint of apprehension in his eyes.
"A delivery?" Scorpius asked, slightly astonished. It felt like Albus had just handed him a brick, and he peeked inside, getting an eyeful of royal purple and glistening gold.
"It's a headache cure. Approved by healers all over the nation," Albus grinned, crossing his arms in apparent satisfaction. "You have to share though, I'm starving after lugging that thing all the way from Hogsmeade."
Scorpius suddenly felt overwhelmed with an emotion he couldn't quite place his finger on. It was a foreign feeling... one he'd never felt before.
It was bittersweet. Melancholy, but brimming with happiness all at once.
And after the tiresome events and draining memories of the past few days, he really couldn't help but tear up a little.
Of all the occasions his body could have picked to betray him...
Albus's confident smile disappeared immediately, and he seemed to be at a loss for words. Scorpius supposed he should be proud that he'd been the only one in all of Hogwarts who had rendered Albus speechless on more than one occasion.
Albus furrowed his brows, and he was suddenly standing right in front of Scorpius, a hand on his shoulder.
"Shit, are you okay? I thought you liked chocolate, you do, don't you?" Albus was wincing, and Scorpius wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault that he was an emotional mess. But the words got lost on their way to his mouth, and instead, he just stared at the boy in front of him, desperately wishing he didn't immediately go into incompetent statue mode whenever Albus was around.
"Of course, I - I love chocolate," Scorpius said quickly, and the choked up sound of his voice only seemed to distress Albus further, the polar opposite of what he intended.
"Oh," Albus said, but there was clearly no relief in his voice. "I don't understand, did I do something?"
"No!" Scorpius said hastily, and Albus looked more bewildered than Scorpius had ever seen him.
His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly open. It almost looked like there was something he wanted to say but didn't know how to word it. It was a familiar feeling; Scorpius knew it all too well.

undeniable | scorbus
Fanfiction(popular albus x nerd scorpius) it's not scorpius's fault he's in love with albus potter. who isn't? as for albus, well, he's just trying to figure out why he's so enamoured by the quiet, slightly anxious nerd he was partnered with in potions class...