fourteen - albus

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y'all are probably like "get to the point already" lmao. sorryyyyyyyyy

He couldn't tell anyone. His friends would think he was out of his mind. Even Jordan, the nicest Slytherin he knew (he often joked that he should have been placed in Hufflepuff), would probably think there was something wrong with him.

Because he shouldn't be this concerned about someone he hardly knew. And a Malfoy, at that. It didn't make any comprehensible sense. People would start to talk if word got around, and Albus had always gotten enough attention as it was.

"Albussssss," Jordan said in a sing-song voice, waving a black leech in front of his face.

"Eugh!" He yelled, hastily stepping out of the way. "You're dripping leech juice on the floor!"

Jordan seemed to find this amusing, and he laughed out loud when Albus scowled at him.

"Aw, someone's a little grumpy today," said Jordan, setting the leech into a jar, where it was attempting to slide up the glass to no avail.

Albus took his gaze away from the slimy, squirming leech and met Jordan's eyes. He mentally took back what he'd thought about Jordan being the nice one.

"I'm not grumpy," he said grumpily.

"I can tell when you're grumpy. You make that face."

"What face?"

Jordan formed his features into an obnoxious looking pout, sticking out his lips and furrowing his brows. The kind of look that little kids would put on when their parents refused to buy them candy.

"First of all, I do not make that face," Albus said indignantly. "Second... why do you even know that?"

Jordan laughed loudly, and Albus couldn't help but grin slightly at how big of an idiot his friend was.

"I've been hanging out with you since first year, so spill," he said, taking a seat and crossing his arms expectantly.

"You say you can tell when I'm upset, but how exactly?" Albus asked after a moment.

"Your face just looks different."

"Really helpful, Jordan..." Albus rolled his eyes. Their conversation seemed so far like it wouldn't work out in the slightest.

"You're always distracted. You don't pay attention."

"Isn't that my usual behaviour?" Albus muttered, shuffling his feet. Jordan was right, and they both knew it.

Jordan sighed. "Albus, I can just tell. It's a sense."

"Like, a sixth sense?"


Now they were getting somewhere.

"Can you ever tell... why I'm upset? At least an idea?"

Jordan pondered the question for a moment before replying.

"Not exactly," he said, and disappointment must have been clear on Albus's face, because he immediately added "But I know you well enough to be able to guess. Like when you fight with Rose, for example. You're less energetic than usual, and you look a little disheartened in every class you share with her. You keep shooting her glances, like you want her to see you, but she doesn't turn around. So you sort of pout and sulk for the remainder of the class."

"Fucking hell. That's a little creepy, you know. Do you stalk everyone, or am I special?" Albus asked incredulously, but the fact that he noticed all of this was a little touching.

"People I care about, I guess." Jordan shrugged nonchalantly.

"That's why you know the names of all of Emma's ex-boyfriends?" Albus teased, and Jordan's cheeks darkened as he threw a quill at him.

They worked comfortably for the rest of the period, and Albus thought about what he'd just learned. Scorpius didn't seem to be glancing at anyone during any of the classes they shared. Or pouting. Or making that face, which Albus firmly believed he had never once done.

"Jordan?" He started, without even knowing what he wanted to ask.


"What would you do if someone was avoiding you? Someone who's normally ecstatic to see you?" His heart pounded, and Jordan immediately looked up at him, a small frown starting to form on his face.

"Who's avoiding you?" Jordan asked, setting his stirring spoon down.

"It's hypothetical," Albus lied.

"No, it isn't. But I'll answer anyway, because now I'm concerned. What kind of someone?" He raised a brow, looking at Albus expectantly.

"Emma. What would you do if she was upset about something and refused to tell you?"

Jordan's eyes widened. "Emma? My girlfriend, Emma? Are you interested in someone, Al?"

"Fuck, no. I said it was hypothetical," Albus said, a little too quickly.

Jordan had now turned his seat so that they were directly facing each other, and his complete focus seemed to be on the words coming out of Albus's mouth.

"It's not hypothetical anymore! I thought it was a friend problem, but it's clearly a romance problem! No wonder you look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. No one gets this worked up over a friend." He was giving Albus an incredulous look, as if he couldn't believe that they were actually having this conversation. It was a little bit frustrating.

"Never mind," Albus almost snapped. "I'll figure something out."

Jordan sighed, and placed both his hands on Albus's shoulders, turning him around so that they were facing each other again.

"Look, I'm not an expert or anything, but Emma loves all things sweet. I bring her a bagful of Honeydukes treats, and it may not be enough sometimes, but it's something. I consider it a victory if I can make her smile even once."

Albus locked his gaze, looking up at his friend. And overwhelming surge of sadness washed over him like a wave, and he knew he had to do something.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

creepy friends are the best, am i right?

thanks to everyone who has been reading so far! y'all are amazing!

also, random question bc i'm curious, what font do you guys have your wattpad stories set as?

- gxldensnitched <3

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