scorpius learns a little more about his (boy)friend's family
Scorpius was in the library for the fifth time that week, and it was only Tuesday.
He curled up comfortably in a small couch near the back of the enormous room, a copy of Beedle the Bard in his hands. The window he was sitting by was cracked open slightly, letting a warm, airy breeze circulate throughout the room.
He looked around, taking in the scene of his favourite place in all of Hogwarts, and he was pleasantly relieved at the fact that hardly anyone seemed to spend their lunch breaks in there. The small ray of sun that was entering through the slightly open curtain fell just on his lap, illuminating the pages of his book perfectly. It was quiet and tranquil, which he would definitely call his favourite kind of ambience.
If he ever needed some relaxation, it was now.
He'd just started the Hopping Pot (his favourite story since he was a child) when he saw a flash of bright red out of the corner of his eye. For one nerve-wracking moment, he thought it was Rose. But the girl was much shorter, and she had Albus's nose.
Lily Luna Potter was animatedly chatting with a Ravenclaw girl Scorpius didn't recognize. She sat down next to the girl and begun fumbling around in her bag, and Scorpius thought she looked like she seemed to have forgotten something. Her brows were creased, and the tone of annoyance on her face was clear.
When she started to make her way over to the shelves near Scorpius's seat, he wondered if jumping out the window was a sensible option.
Scorpius visibly winced. There was no doubt that she'd heard by now. The whole school knew that Albus Potter had been fraternizing with the enemy.
James had given him a suspicious glance in the hallway that morning, but if anyone would be angry about Albus's new friendship, it was Lily Potter.
Scorpius had never actually spoken to her, but he'd heard that she'd once gotten detention for punching a boy who told her that girls couldn't throw a hit. Scorpius was fairly certain she'd given the poor kid a black eye.
It was actually considered sort of legendary among students, and Scorpius admired her bravery. She really was a Gryffindor, through and through.
She stopped abruptly when she noticed him watching her, and he hastily looked back down at his book.
"So, is it true?" Lily asked immediately, her hands on her hips.
Scorpius supposed it was a good thing that she was getting straight to the point. Her expression held a mixture of curiosity and disbelief.
Scorpius paused. For a fourth year, she was a little scary.
"Kind of?" Was his lame response.
"Rose told me that you and my brother are friends now."
Was there anyone Rose hadn't told?
Scorpius cleared his throat.
"Well, yes, we are. I think. That's what he said. I haven't spoken to him since Friday. Not that I don't want to or anything, I just have absolutely no idea where he is."
Lily raised her eyebrows, seeming to relax. "Oh, he does that sometimes. Once he went a whole week without speaking to me. He claimed he was busy with Quidditch practice, but really he was sulking because mum and dad got me a new broom instead of him. As if he didn't already have a perfectly decent one."
Scorpius looked at her in surprise as he took in her casual tone. This hadn't been remotely close to the conversation that he had anticipated, for which he was grateful. He didn't know what he'd have done if she had actually gone with the conversation he'd come up with in his head.
Lily seemed to be thinking along the same lines, because she quickly changed the subject.
"Anyway, I just came to grab a book. I didn't know if the rumours were true."
"The ones about me being a Death Eater or the ones about Albus and I?" Scorpius asked, hoping for the latter.
Lily laughed, and a Ravenclaw perfect shushed her. She rolled her brown eyes (Scorpius had recently learned that Albus was the only one who'd inherited his father's startling green) and brought her focus back to him.
"Albus, of course. I was a little worried at first," she admitted, staring at the floor and fiddling with the ink stained sleeves of her robes. "But I guess you don't seem that bad."
Scorpius breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks for not thinking I'm evil, I guess?"
She laughed again, and he gave her a smile.
"I don't think a real Death Eater would read children's fairy tales," she said, glancing at his book.
"Beedle the Bard is a classic!" Scorpius said in mock offence. "You haven't lived if you haven't read it."
"If you insist," she said, and grabbed a copy of it from the shelf beside him. "I came to get a textbook, but this is probably a lot more interesting. See you later." She waved as she headed back to her friend.
Scorpius reopened his book with a sense of pleasant satisfaction. At least there was one other person in Hogwarts who seemed to approve of him. He was a little worried about what James would think, if he was really the overprotective brother he claimed to be. The approval of Albus's (huge) family would be a good start towards whatever strange friendship it was that was going on between them.
He made a mental note to tell Albus that he'd never met such an intimidating thirteen year old. The next time he saw Albus, that was. He'd been gone all weekend. Scorpius hadn't even seen him in their dormitories, or in any classes on Monday.
It was a shame, really. The sight of him always managed to perk him up.
It worried him, as much as he tried not to think about it. There was a possibility Albus had changed his mind and decided Rose was right. But the thought of Albus's soft face when he voiced his concern quickly pushed that idea out of his head. He was probably just busy.
He tried to focus on the book, but he couldn't shake what Lily had told him out of his head. What if Albus really had given in to Rose's recommendations?
Albus isn't like that, he forced himself to think.
What reason did Albus have to dislike him? Other than the fact that his ancestors worked for the wizard who'd tried to kill Albus's father, of course.
Scorpius sighed as more and more students started to enter the library. The only person who disliked this more than himself was probably Madam Pince, their hawk eyed, white haired librarian.
It was rumoured that she could spot couples snogging behind bookshelves from across the room. The romance section was a particularly popular spot, and Scorpius avoided it at all costs. Romance books weren't really his thing, and even if they were, the only person Scorpius could ever think about snogging preferred to be surrounded by goalposts rather than novels.
He checked out a few books, most of which he'd already read, and headed back to the Slytherin dungeons to finish up some homework before his next class.
At least that's why he told himself he was going, because it most certainly had nothing to do with hoping to get a glimpse of a certain green eyed boy.
He would have to learn to stop doing this to himself at some point.
i truly apologize for the lack of albus in this chapter. i miss him already (so does scorpius)
as always, i hope you like this story enough to vote. and maybe leave a comment? please guys i need validation smh.
(jk. sort of)
on a serious note, thank you to everyone who has been reading this so far. it means the world to me!
- gxldensnitched <3

undeniable | scorbus
Fanfiction(popular albus x nerd scorpius) it's not scorpius's fault he's in love with albus potter. who isn't? as for albus, well, he's just trying to figure out why he's so enamoured by the quiet, slightly anxious nerd he was partnered with in potions class...