these two make me so softttt
Scorpius startled, dropping his peacock feather quill onto his parchment, creating a coal black smudge across the worn out page. Albus noticed it was the only part of the entire sheet that could be considered even remotely messy.
He turned around to face Albus, a mixture of confusion and relief on his face when he saw who it was.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," Albus said, shooting him a smile that he hoped appeared more apologetic than amused.
He made a mental note to sneak up on Scorpius more often, except next time he'd do it when he was conveniently empty handed.
"It's okay, I have plenty of parchment." He gestured to the scattered sheets on his desk.
"I can see that," Albus said, taking the empty seat beside him.
Scorpius's eyes widened slightly, as if he thought Albus was just passing by his desk on the way to someone else's.
"What? Is this seat taken?"
"No, of course not. You're completely welcome to sit here!" He paused. "I guess I'm just wondering... why?"
"My cousin's being annoying, and you're a better partner than her anyway. Why, were you planning on working alone? I can leave if you want."
"No!" Scorpius added, a little too hastily.
Seeming to notice, he added "I mean, I was. But I'd rather work with you, obviously. If that's what you want? You don't have to, you know. You probably have friends in this class."
"If I wanted to sit with someone else, I would," Albus replied.
He shot Scorpius a sideways grin before fishing around in his bag for a piece of parchment.
"Right." Scorpius blushed slightly, and Albus raised his eyebrows.
"Take a breath, Scorpius. You know I'm not going to hex you or anything, right?" Albus laughed, and Scorpius's shoulders seemed to relax the tiniest bit.
Albus was used to people being nervous around him (it was one of the few disadvantages of having Harry Potter as a father), but this felt different. Oddly enough, he felt a little nervous himself. It must have been because of the whole Malfoy-Potter rivalry issue, but he couldn't quite tell.
"I know, sorry. It's just that you're Albus Potter," Scorpius spoke lightly, managing to sound posh even when he was anxious.
"And you're Scorpius Malfoy," Albus responded promptly. "Wanna make a bet?"
This seemed to worry Scorpius slightly, and his eyes widened. Albus couldn't help but notice how grey they were. They reminded Albus of thunderstorms, the comforting kind that made him want to snuggle up in front of the fireplace with cocoa (or butterbeer, if he was in the mood), watching his father's old muggle films that he refused to get rid of. He'd never met anyone with thunderstorm eyes before, and it was a while before he pulled his own gaze away.
"A bet?" Scorpius asked.
"M-hmm. If you apologize one more time during the remainder of this class - which, I might add, is a double period - you have to be my Potions partner for the rest of the month," Albus grinned, and Scorpius visibly relaxed, letting out a breath.

undeniable | scorbus
Fanfiction(popular albus x nerd scorpius) it's not scorpius's fault he's in love with albus potter. who isn't? as for albus, well, he's just trying to figure out why he's so enamoured by the quiet, slightly anxious nerd he was partnered with in potions class...