YoonSeok💜(pt 1)

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Hi this is a very late update i know-But i want to let you all know this is just a filler- But for now i want to give you all to read it's kinda short-Sorry for that...But remember this came from my mind-So i'm not spot on with facts heck- This is all fictional plz do keep that in mind-
AnYwHo let's start shall we-

Third pErson PoV
"'Bogoshipda'-PERFECT" Namjoon thought as he was writing lyrics while his best friend Yoongi was messing around with beats.
Yoongi-"Hey Namjoon -I see your done over there i need a second opinion on the beats-It might go with the lyrics your writing."
Joon-"Really??Let me hear 'em"
Yoongi-*Plays beats*
Joon"That's amazing Yoongi-Maybe you should add more background to it tho"
Yoongi-"i was thinking -Maybe just Maybe we should get Vocals for the background a bit then from there-You know??"
Joon-"Yeah i get you..I know a couple of peopl"
Yoongi-"Hahahaha Joon for reals i'm being serious. everyone knows i'm  your only friend Joon no need to hide it"
Joon-*Le GaSp*"i HaVe FrIeNdS..In Fact i'll call them to meet up tomorrow-Then maybe you'll finally get a boyfriend!"
Yoongi-"I don't need a man in my life-all i need is music and my bed thank you very much"
Joon-"mmHhmm Then you'll want this man in your life like-He's your type in every way!-Kind of-Heiskindoftheexactoppositeofyou-..."
Yoongi"What was that Namjoon Slow down Jeez"
Joon" ughh you gonna day no thoooo"
Yoongi"Like i have a choice to even SAY no"
Joon"True-Ok i just said he is kind of The *coughs* Exact opposite of you- No biggie"
Yoongi-"I dOnT nEeD aNoThEr JiMiN oR TaEhYuNg"(no hate towards them love them both to another extent yah know?)
Joon"-Speaking of them- You should invite them along - While i get my OTHER friends and No not like that theyr like your brothers-Gross- And he is kind of Different-you know what-You'll find out tomorrow"
Yoongi-"Whatever you say Joon- whatever you say-And i thought u were only gonna bring one??"
Joon-"- oh yeah- But we need a lot of vocals- SO ima invite more than ONE friends Yoongi either way i Just texted THEM- THEY said THEY couldn't wait and that THEY are free the entire day! You hear that Yoongi-You'll actually have a social life!"
Yoongi-"Whoopi-Note the Sarcasm Joon"
Yoongi-"Ima go to the apartment-See you there"
Joon-"Bye mister grumpy pants"
Yoongi-"See yah Butterfingers"

    /Time Skip-Next Day Brought To You By iKON/
Woo Kotnoraereul bolleo ladi ladi dagachi umjigyeo body woah -
Yoon" Ughhh- What time is it??"*turns alarm off* *checks time while at it* "FUCK IMA BE LATE-JoON IS GONNA KICK MY ASS "
*Does morning routine in rush*

Yoongi of course wore the old fashioned Long sleeve black shirt/pants and some NIKES
As Yoongi rushes i the meeting place-(He already told Jimin and Tae btw)

YOUR BROTHER IS CALLING SIR WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO ANSWER ??(A/N i got the idea of the ringtone from my mom because she saw this ringtone and it was like in a computer voice and it was honestly really cool)
                            Incoming Call From
                                 MOCHI 😶
                 ANSWER .            DECLINE

Mochi:Where the hell are you Yoongi! Your like 10 Minutes late!"
Yoongi"  I'm like 3-4 Minutes away i'm almost there ! I woke up late-Tell Namjoon to not get his panties in a twist will yah?"
Mochi: Whatever, just hurry up jeezes- how i wonder i'm relates to yah-
and he hung up- - whole of course rolling his eyes at his younger yet annoying brother- (love you Jiminie) as he rushed past people he FINALLY made it to the meet up place A.K.A Namjoons Studio-as he entered he went towards Joons room -For they work in the same place-
he enters the room full of people but something fought his eye-


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