Wish On A Star

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And The Story Begins

Yoongi had a happy(ish) family. He got along with them just fine. Though He was a quiet little boy, someone who likes to keep to himself, so he wasn't that close to his family. This lead to him being a little alone at school. Well... Not a little alone-A Lot alone.

As he grew Kids started picking on him. Calling him names pushing him around.Why wont he do something about it? Well. He used to do something about it... But lets just say it didn't just send him to the infirmary.

He found it wouldn't stop. He hoped that if he just ignored them it would stop... He hoped for a couple years that he wouldn't be alone anymore... But alas Wishes don't come true...

But On his 8th birthday his mother gave him a plush toy. Hoping that it would help with his loneliness. The plush was a Purple and Blue horse by the name of Mang. At the sight of the plush toy, eight year old Yoongi smiled so wide at the plush.

Yoongi hugged Mang tightly. Afraid he'd open his eyes and find that his new friend would be gone...

On that beautiful night, right before bed. He opened his window. Letting the cool breeze hit his face. Yoongi looked up at the night sky. The stars twinkling in excitement reflecting on his eyes.

Yoongi sighed in content. Glad he could relax before another dreadful day at school begins.

"Thank You..." He started looking at the stars. "Thank you for bringing me a friend.. Though Mang cant talk,he-He's there. And im grateful for that... Im glad i could hold someone. I promise i'll cherish him. I just hope one day i'll make a friend. A real one none the less. I wish Mang was human. I know im asking for more and i apologize. Thank you for Mang though. Im grateful."

A couple years later Mang went missing. At this point Yoongi was in Middle School. He needed a friend more than ever. And he was heartbroken when he couldn't find Mang anywhere.

A week later. Yoongi still couldn't find Mang. But there was a new kid in school.
Though Yoongi didn't pay much attention. To worried for where his stuffed friend could be. With his head buried in his notebook filled with ideas as to where Mang could be.

Though he did pay attention when the new kid sat next to him. Earning a few stares and whispers from other students. Finally looking into the eyes of the new boy Yoongi felt something familiar yet so foreign.

Snapping out of his gaze Yoongi holds out his hand. "Hi... i'm Yoongi. Min Yoongi."
He says shyly not meeting the boys eyes as he giggled and he took Yoongis hand with a bright heart shaped smile.

"Hi Yoongi. Im Hoseok. Jung Hoseok.. w-Would you like to be my friend?"

"Friend?"Yoongi said in question. He's never had a talking friend. He's only ever had Mang...

"Yeah... Friend." Hoseok says still smiling brightly. Yoongi complying with a shy smile that is rarely shown. At the sight students near him gasped with wide eyes turning to their friends and Talked. All they did is talk.
But Yoongi didn't mind. He was used to it.

"Sure..." He said. "Why not..." Now displaying an adorable gummy smile.

Im nOt EvEn FiNiShEd WiTh My OtHeR onE buT this should be enough for another month or two right??  Idk. Forgive me please. I should be able to update in about a week or so I-)

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