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A/N I love you all

3rd POV

One day Hoseok and Yoongi were walking- just taking a stroll.

Something they did often after the sun has set.

But today was different.

Different how?

Different because the stars shined brighter.
Sky seems to be more clear

Showing the moon in it's beautiful glory.

Hoseok and Yoongi were holding hands just walking peacefully, hand in hand.

Just enjoying each others presence.

"Hey Yoon..." Hoseok said lightly, as if not wanting to break the silence.

"Hmm" Yoongi hummed slightly.

"I love you." Hoseok said smiling a little. He felt as if he needed to say those words. Such simple words holding so much emotion.

So much passion.

Hoseok couldn't help but feel something was going to go wrong.

"I love you two Hoseok." Yoongi said smiling wrapping his arms around the hand he was holding.
Yoongi sighed feeling at peace.

They continue to walk for a while.

"It's getting pretty late. Lets head back love." Hoseok said looking at the time on his watch.

Yoongi pouts slightly but nods reluctantly.


With that they start to head back, Talking and relishing the moment as it lasted.

Hoseoks feeling grew stronger as time went by. Shrugging it off wanting to enjoy his time with Yoongi.

As time went by, the sky got darker, resulting in the two having to use their phones as flashlights.

"Did we walk that far?" Yoongi asked confused and tired of walking for a long time.
"I don't think so..." Hoseok mumbled not wanting his lover to panic.

"Yeah we're almost there. I can see the building." Yoongi said sighing in relief.

The two continued their walk back in peaceful silence.

"Give me all of your money!" A man said coming from one of the alleyways, shakily pointing a gun at the couple.

"Yoongi call the cops..." Hoseok mumbled, low enough for only Yoongi to hear, his lover nodded slowly grabbing his phone as to not alert the man.

"Hey now, lets talk about this..." Hoseok said directing the mans attention to himself instead of Yoongi. Raising both his hands. As for Yoongi who was silently making the call.

"I said give me your money!"

"I don't have any money on me at the moment." Hoseok said truthfully,leaving his wallet at home, the couple only planned on taking a walk.

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