I scream you scream we all scream Icecream!!!!

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It was a normal day really - If you call Taekook playing overwatch NamJin arguing about -I dont really know at this point... Yoongi working on beats in his genius lab while Hoseok was dancing by  himself-Jimin on his phone................

Though to you it may be like "Hectic"  tho-Are the everyday lives in this Household ...They like to call themselves BangTan....

Where do they live?? in a house big enough for 10 people -(extra rooms being the dance room - Genius lab and play room) You may be like "They rich" Because your not really off their...

Jin -Or The son of the biggest CEO out their -Provided them with this nice home -Though they do of course help around...

Jin was just generous ..Can really say the same when he talks about himself lol....

Namjoon helps by rapping underground earning the little money he saves up and pays some of the bill (much o Jins Dismay) and rest to Jungkooks university tuition....

Yoongi rapping as well but born into a wealthy family...He has a loving family - They supported him when he came out as Bisexual ... Yes he helps around the corporation from time to time.... Oh almost forgot to mention Both Jins and Yoongis parents are partners the Kim Corp. and Min Corp.
Yoongi uses the money he earns to spoil Hoseok (the most) and the others (from time to time) so basically Hoseoks Suga(r) Daddy..

Hoseok  being unlucky yet luckiest (as he puts it) coming from a family with financial problems... He used to work in multiple jobs - Just to help pay the bills along with his tuition for the academy..

Jimin is working jobs but o help his family...Yes his family is secure when it comes to their financial situation but he likes to help around...He goes to the BigHit University of Arts in a scholar ship..He is very cheery and hardworking... along with the others of course.

Taehyung also going to BigHit University of Arts in a scholar ship but instead going as an aspiring Model - He has the kind soul.Never intends to hurt anyone.. Little bit of a prankster...and a little on the wild side .In a good way -...He used to be bullied for having a dream like this...But he pushed past with a smile and a bit of makeup...

Jungkook again also going to BigHit University of Arts but as an aspiring Artist ..He paints like no other...Though he may not be in a scholar ship (he didnt get to apply in time) He does have a job - To pay his tuitions along with Namjoon..He is an adorable,Mischievous,shameless,kinda problematic,Annoying yet endearing child... Loves to play pranks with Taehyung any chance he gets .

Anywhooo Back to where we were-

NamJin finally made up and are cuddling on the couch Jimin got to play along with Jungkook and Taehyung..While Yoongi was on his way to Hoseok.

Hoseok POV

*knock knock*


*kNoCk KnOcK*







......even after all this time.....I think.....


.......I might give up.....


.......Why cant you see.....Im waiting and waiting for you to notice....

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