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(Kinda been obsessed with this idea for a while lol)

"What the frick frack patty wack Jack is back going on ??" (A/N Found this online qnd i didnt know what to put so here yah go) Is whats on Yoongis arm... He was 16 years old when the Tattoo appeared ... So when it did ot kinda freaked Yoongi out but calmed down like 2 minutes after his mom explained-"Oh calm down will you??Its March 9 Your 16 birthday !! Your tattoo was gonna show up sooner later!! This is what your soulmate says to you-Yoongi istg if you dont stop jumping around i wont give you your cake"

Is what his mom told him when he first got his tattoo. Now hes 21 and losing patience.


"Jung Fùcking Hoseok !! You come down ere this instant !!"


"Coming!!" He went downstairs to be met with a very angry Jungkook-


"Dont you 'Hey ' Me!! I want to know what happened to my Banana Milk!! "

"Its in the fridge-"

"ItS iN tHe FrIdGe"



"Stop it"

"StOb It"



"Im not kidding any more stop it"

"Im NoT kIdDiNg AnYmOrE sToB iT"

"I swear to Jisoo if you dont stop ima-"

"I sWeAr To JiSoO iF yOu DoNt StOb ImA"

"Im an idiot-"

"I know you are now wheres my Banana Milk??"



"yes In the FrIdgE"

"Mmk-Now go to work your gonna be late-"

"What time is it?"



"You didnt ask-"


"Hurry up then -"


"You sound like a teenager not wanting to get out of bed -"

"Says the literal fetus"

"Im 20!!"

"Awww does baby waby need a nappy ??"

"NO !"

"Awwww he wants his milky-Now come on little one- Lets get you your banana milk-"

"Fine!But i only want the banana milk!"

"Uh huh-"

"Hey Hoseok.."


"When do you think we'll meet our soulmates?"

"I dont know Kook...Hopefully soon though..."


"Whats so funny?"

"No its just whats written on our hands -"


"Ok ok-Hold up what does yours say again??"

"Ok it says 'Holy Shit'-I think its adorable but like haha-Any whoo what does yours say??"

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