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Hoseoks POV

"Today is the day. I can feel it." I said determined, my best friend, Jin looked at me raising an eyebrow.


"Thats what you said yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the-"

"I get it."

"Do you?"

"Whatever. That was then. This is today! and I'm being serious! I'm gonna do it!" I said determined. Jin looked at me with a smirk.

"Good." Jin said smirking slightly.


"Yeah, I mean. He's right behind you." Jin said. I screeched turning around, and in truth. there he stood in all his glory a few feet in front of me, hanging out with his friends.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Jin asked as if challenging me.

"I-" my breathe got caught in my throat as he turned around looking at me directly in the eye.

And he did the unbelievable.




Like- who in the name of cheese gave him the freaking right to look that cute-


he's coming right towards me, why is he getting closer.

I turn to run but Jin grabs my shoulders.

"Nope. Your going to stay here, and say what you gotta say." He said, but before I could protest a heavenly voice interrupts me.


"Oh, uh. Hey" I said back, mentally congratulating myself for not getting my words all jumbled.

"Jin said you wanted to tell me something"

Im going to kill him.

"Oh, um. Yeah actually." I said with false confidence. But then I look into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Do you have the chemistry homework." Hey- Don't look at me like that! I panicked!

I hear a groan from behind me, from who I could only assume is Jin.

"Oh, uh yeah." He said slightly disappointed, looking through his backpack none the less for the work.

"Yoongi. No, don't listen to this doofus. He did the chemistry homework." Jin said stopping Yoongi  from looking through his backpack. "Its actually something else he wanted to tell you, right Hoseok?" Jin said glaring at me with disbelief.

"sorry, I panicked." I whisper shouted at Jin. Jin sighed giving me an encouraging smile.

"I uh, he's right I already did the chemistry homework.." I said playing with my hands.

"oh, uh so you don't have anything to say?" Yoongi said looking confused.

"No, wait, I uh yeah I do. Ok. wow this is hard, and I totally get it if your uncomfortable, just stop me from talking any further if I say something that makes you uncomfortable at any point, ok so um. Ok so. Yoongi, you a really amazing person. So kind and thoughtful of others. You have this vibe- wow I just said that- that makes me feel comfortable around you, I admire you because you have so much talent, I remember accidentally entering the music room because I was lost, but to was worth it because I got to hear you play the piano. Then I got to hear one of your songs, and holy shit, I have never been so moved and just. Yes. And your smile, its so freaking adorable , or how you pull off any clothing, how your eyes light up when you talk about what you love,  your playfulness, just you in general. You are an amazing person in general and wow I'm talking a lot, sorry, Point it. I like you.. a lot. and um I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat with me, and just get to know each other more. and uh yeah. You absolutely don't have to if yo don't want to. I get it! You have the right to refuse, and please don't say yes just because you feel bad, that is probably, something no one should do its-"

"Yes." Yoongi said laughing slightly.


"Y-Yes?" I asked shocked, young just smiled brightly, my heart is not ok.

"Yes, how about Saturday?"

"Yeah, Saturday is good.."

"Great, Ill tell Jin to give you my number. Later Hoseok." Yoongi said still smiling I just nodded. Yoongi then walked off towards his friends. And I turn around to face Jin, still shocked.

"I'm proud of you Seok." Jin said smiling.

20 minutes later

"HE SAID YES." I scream put in the middle of class, finally getting over the shock. I hear Jin burst out laughing. The teacher scolded me but I just couldn't stop smiling.

I can't wait for Friday.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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