Chapter 1

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Author's Note:
I hate that I have to write this, but if you don't like my book, don't read it. I originally wrote this because I like stories with the cliché storylines and the "weak" female lead who is actually very strong.

I expected feedback and comments, but I don't like when my characters are picked apart. I get everyone has different views on things, but I wrote this for myself and decided to share it with everyone.

I'm in no way saying my book is the greatest piece of literature to ever be written. I like positive feedback and suggestions for improvements. However, I don't really appreciate people leaving comments about how my character is pathetic. I created her based on myself and how I act and feel.

Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoy!

Not Edited*

Every shewolf dreams of finding their mate. Ever since I was a little girl, my mother told me stories of how she met my father. I knew she loved him with all her heart. But, things took a turn when my pack was attacked. Both of my parents died and I was left alone.

Since I'm by myself, I moved to the pack house. I am invisible to the world around me. I'm not strikingly beautiful and I don't have curves in all the right places. My grey eyes and dirty blonde hair doesn't stand out in a crowd. My mother always told me I was beautiful, and back then I believed her. The ideas of myself changed when I went to high school.

I'm a seventeen-year-old senior and my eighteenth birthday is in a couple of days. Most werewolves throw a celebration and invite the whole pack in the hopes of finding their mate. Since I have no family or friends, I'm not having a huge get together. My pack is nice to me, but I never really socialize with them.

I usually stay in my room when I'm not at school. My wolf, Audrey, needs to be let out or she'll be nagging at me all night. Which is the exact thing she is doing right now. Run. I need to run. I roll my eyes and set down my book. Don't you roll your eyes at me. I haven't been out in two days.

"I know and I'm sorry. I've just been busy." I roll off the bed and slip on some shoes. As soon as I step foot outside, Audrey doesn't waste anytime in taking control. My skin grows fur and I'm no longer on two feet. My paws feel the mud and my brown fur blows in the breeze. Audrey sprints away from the pack house at full speed. The pack is quiet at this hour. Some lights can be seen through the windows as I run further away. Audrey stops us at my favorite spot in the territory. The lake is shimmering under the moonlight. It has always been my favorite place to go. No one really appreciates the small lake like I do. Ever since my parents died, I started coming here to think. It was where I would feel relaxed. I've never seen another pack member at my spot since it was in the back corner of the territory

I took back control from Audrey after awhile. She protested until we heard a twig snap. I immediately became on high alert. A huge black wolf came into view. Audrey was already submitting, so I followed. It was the Alpha's son, Damon.

I could feel his eyes on me and my wolf started to stir. I showed my neck, but when I looked up, he was gone. I looked around, and sighed in relief when he was no where to be seen. I know better than to get in the way of an Alpha. I've only ever spoken to the Luna at my parents funeral. Other than that, I steered clear of the whole family. I wasn't anyone they really cared about. Running a pack of five hundred wolves is hard enough. They don't need me bothering them.

I quickly ran back to the pack house. I found some clothes behind a tree and shifted back to my human form. I dressed and ran inside. The shower was calling my name when I entered my room. My wolf was still on edge from my earlier encounter with the Alpha's son. After my shower, I hopped in bed and picked up my book. Time passed quickly and it was almost midnight. My stomach growled and I yawned. A midnight snack was all I needed. Sneaking out of my room, I almost tripped on the hallway rug. I tried my best not to wake anyone up.

The kitchen was just around the corner when I heard a small moan. I froze and peeked through the door. The Alpha's son was making out with his girlfriend in the kitchen. My wolf whimpered and my appetite vanished. I don't understand why I feel a little heartbroken. I've never talked to Damon or his girlfriend before.

His girlfriend, Bree, was beautiful and a great fighter. She has long dark brown hair and blue eyes. From what I heard, the pack absolutely loves her. There is talk she will be his chosen Luna. He was extremely hot but there are a lot of cute guys in the pack. His hazel eyes and brown hair where very distinct. His jawline could cut on contact. And his body... Wait what am I saying.

I stop my thoughts before they got out of hand. Audrey finally calms down and I get some much needed rest.

The sun shines through my window. I wish this room had blinds. I turn eighteen tomorrow and I couldn't be less excited. The thought of finding my mate is exciting, yet nerve racking. Since I'm not a high ranking wolf at all, will he reject me? Or what if I don't find him tomorrow? Thoughts were crowding my head.

On Sundays, I help my breakfast for the pack. I head down to the kitchen and the memory of last night comes back. I shrug it off and open the door. The cooks are rushing around the kitchen and I join them.

The food is done and I start serving plates. Pack members start to flood into the dining hall. I keep my head down, trying to not draw attention to myself. I grab myself a plate of food after everyone has theirs. There isn't much left so I grab some fruit and bacon. I finish and start to walk back to my room. I must've been out of it because next thing I know, I hit something solid and fall onto the floor. I look up expecting a wall, but instead, find Damon. Heat rushes to my cheeks and I look away.

"Watch where you are going." He growls lowly and walks away. I push myself off the ground and head to my room. I sit on my bed and let my thoughts take over. Maybe when I find my mate, he can take me away from the pack where my parents died. He can take me away from where I'm invisible.

1068 words

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