Chapter 9

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*Not edited

I was back in hell. I almost got out of Damon's grasp. I almost made it to my chance at true happiness.

I locked myself in my room three days ago. I haven't eaten since. Damon has knocked and begged me to let him in. My response was simple, I didn't respond.

The night he brought me back went differently than I thought it would. He was angry, which didn't surprise me. But he didn't lash out or scream at me. He simply walked me up to my room and left.

I need food. I'm losing weight because I'm practically starving myself. After much contemplation, I roll out of bed and head to the door. The hallway was quiet and it seems to be vacant. I turn and look at my clock real quick, and realize it is past midnight.

Without hesitation, I semi jog down to the kitchen. I grab some cereal, milk and a bowl.

"You need more than that." I almost drop the bowl and milk. I shoot my head around. It can't be.

The curly hair and the dimples give him away. Sam is back and alive. He also seems to have more muscles. "What happened to you!" I put my bowl and milk down and run up to him. My arms wrap him in a tight hug.

"Turns out I'm a pretty good fighter." He chuckles and gently pushes me away. I don't blame him, considering what happened last time we were too close. "Alpha Damon sent me off to train in a neighboring pack." I smile at him.

"I'm so happy you are okay." I frown, "I was the reason you had to leave."

He sits on the barstool, "No, you are the reason I became who I was meant to be." He smiles to himself. "You are also the reason I found my mate."

My heart swells and I smile at him. "I'm so happy you found her! I'll have to meet her soon."

"You will. We just arrived back yesterday so she is settling in."

"Would you like some cereal?" I laugh, as I hand him the box.

"No thanks, I have training in the morning and need to head to bed." He gives me one last smile and leaves the kitchen.

I sit there and eat my cereal. My thoughts are going haywire. Why did Damon send him away? Why didn't he kill him? Is his mate nice?

I finish my cereal and head back to my room. I'm glad I made the trip to the kitchen.

Before I can stop myself, I find myself standing in front of Damon's room. Why couldn't Sam be my mate? What did I do to deserve this? I could be living my life, but instead I am pouting outside of my mate's door.

My hand has a mind of its own. The sound of soft knocking fills the hallway. No answer. Am I surprised?

I lose control and Audrey pushes forward. Before I can stop her, she is inside of the room. Damon is sound asleep. He looks so peaceful. Audrey is right, he looks tranquil.

Audrey's next action shocks me. She pulls back the covers and climbs in with him. Just one night. Audrey pleads with me. I give in, and feel Damon's arms wrap around me. He pulls me closer to his chest.

I finally get the best sleep I had in a while.

The morning arrives too soon and I quickly remember where I'm at. I tense up and turn to find Damon still sleeping.

I crawl out of his grip, and tiptoe back to my room. I lay in my bed, and try to get some more sleep. It feels impossible to sleep without Damon.

Soon enough, I'm drifting off. I imagine a situation better than my own.

Knocking wakes me from my dreams, and I roll over to see the time.


Without a thought, I climb out of bed and answer the door. I had a good feeling who it was.

"Sam, it's so early! Aren't you supposed to be training?" I speak, as I open the door.

Not Sam.

Damon is standing in the door frame. He is shirtless, covered in sweat, and is slightly out of breath. He looks... hot. No! He broke my heart. He can't be considered hot.

"You slept in my bed last night." I try to shut the door, but his foot stops me. He pushes his way into my room.

"Please get out." My voice sounds too weak.

"Please listen to me." He sits on my I made bed. "I'll leave once you hear me out."

I nod, signaling for him to go on. He takes a deep breath.

"Our first date was the best and worst day of my life. I loved spending every minute with you. I loved getting to know you.

When Bree came in, I was pissed. Not for the reason you may think. I wasn't mad she was with another guy, I was mad because she hated Dean's. She only went there to sabotage our date."

He sighs and looks down at his hands.

"When you left, I thought I was dying. The pain of losing you was awful. I don't know if the bond was making me feel like that or not. All I do know, is I never want to feel that pain again."

He looks up at me, and a single tear is running down his face.

"Give me another chance. I know I've asked for too many chances. I know I will probably ask for more. I've never done this before, and neither have you. We will make mistakes. In the end, if all I have is you, I'll have everything."

I step closer to him. My hand slowly rises to hold his cheek.


975 words

A little shorter chapter, but who cares it's an update!


Never in a million years would I think this would happen.

Thank you all. X.


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