Chapter 10

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*Not edited

That night, Damon slept in my bed. It was a little cramped, but we were comfortable. When I woke up this morning, Damon was gone. I was disappointed and started to get dressed for the day.

My bedroom door opened, as I was about to start changing. Damon had a tray of food in his hands and he seemed surprised to see me.

"I didn't think you'd be up yet. I meant to bring you breakfast in bed, but you are no longer in bed." He chuckles slightly. My mood took a complete u-turn and I couldn't stop smiling. I sat back down on the bed, and pulled my covers back over me.

"Well, I'm back in bed now. Give me my food!" I playfully growl at him. He places the tray on the nightstand, and jumps into the bed.

"Or, we could do something else." He leans in and starts to kiss me. His lips start on mine and a fire is lit inside of me. After a while, his mouth moves on and starts leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. Damon reaches my mark, and I moan from the pleasure.

Then, I suddenly remember how I received that mark. I go stiff, and Damon notices my change in behavior. I think of the pain it caused me. I think of the brute force that was put into the mark. I think of how dangerous his wolf can be.

Damon can sense my mix of feelings. Sadness, fear and disappointment are radiated off me.

"I'm not sorry about marking you. I'm sorry for the way I did it. I should've controlled my wolf better. A marking should be consensual and a sacred thing. My mark was everything except those. I'm truly sorry." I could tell he was being genuine. His eyes gave it away.

"I forgive you." I say quietly and give him a half smile. "Can I please eat now?" Damon chuckles and brings the tray of food over to us.

"Dig in."


"Do you want to go on a run?" I'm surprised Damon has time to waste this afternoon.

"Don't you have Alpha duties to attend to? I don't want to waste your time." He grabs my hand and we start walking to the backdoor.

"Time with you, is never a waste." I blush and turn away slightly. We make it outside and I go behind a tree to strip out of my clothes. Damon doesn't seem to mind and undresses in the middle of the field.

I shift into my wolf and let Audrey take over. She quickly runs over to Damon, who has just shifted. She rubs her head all over him and Damon takes off.

Audrey loves a good game of chase. She sprints after him and soon tackles him to the ground. I could tell he let us win. An Alpha could easily outrun an omega.

We run for a few more minutes, and suddenly, Damon stops. We are in the middle of a large field. It is surrounded by trees and covered in various types of flowers. Audrey lays down on her back and playfully paws at Damon's wolf.

His wolf pounces on top of us and starts licking our face. Audrey tries to push him off, but she is tiny compared to him. Damon's wolf is rubbing our head with his. His name is Ryder. Audrey sounds annoyed with my ignorance.

Ryder is rubbing his scent all over us. He starts at our head and covers our whole body. Audrey just lays there. She is enjoying the undivided attention from her mate. Once Ryder is done, he sits next to us and starts licking our face again.

Audrey gets up and starts running back to the house. Ryder chases after us. He could easily tackle us, but once again, he lets us win. When the house is in sight, he tackles us. Before we hit the ground, he turned us so he is the only one that hits the ground.

I get off of him and when I look back up, Damon is completely naked. I turn my head quickly and he laughs. I run to the tree from earlier and shift back. I throw my clothes on and head back to Damon. He now has a pair of shorts on and is waiting on me.

"That was fun. I love letting Audrey out to run." We walk hand in hand to the pack house.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. My wolf has finally calmed down a little." We walk through the back door and the smell of food hits my nose. "I guess we made it back just in time." We laugh and head towards the dining room.


We were the first ones in the dining room. Damon took a seat at the head of the table and I sat to his right.

People started to pile into the room and I saw Sam with a girl. They come over to us and Sam sits to the left of Damon. I was confused because the Beta usually sits to the left of the Alpha.

"Mabel, you remember Sam, right?"

"Of course I do."

"Well, he is now the new Beta." I smile brightly.

"Congratulations Sam!" I turn to his mate. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you."

"I'm Addison. It is so nice to meet you." I shake her hand. "Sam has told me a lot about you."

"Hopefully some good things."

Dinner was going well. I socialized with pack members and got to know the people who had lived under the same roof as me for years. I feel like I have missed so much of my life. Locking my self in my room wasn't healthy. I should've spent more time at events and put myself out there.

I take a look around the table. Why did I seclude myself from all of these people. Most of them were so nice and I was too blind to see that.

My gaze is back on Damon, and I smile slightly. I'm so happy I found him. Our beginning was rough. The middle was also rough. I chuckle to myself at the thought. He is laughing at something Sam said. He should definitely laugh more often. I love it when he laughs.

Honestly, I love anything he does.

I love him.

1052 words

Don't hate me. I know most of you hate Damon, but I don't. This is also my story lol. Damon is a complicated character and he hasn't found he way.

Also, this was a quick update. I finally started writing on an actual computer instead of my phone.

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