Chapter 3

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Lance's P.O.V.
My shift is finally over and I can go home, I'm so tired. Now all I have to do is finish my assignment and then I can sleep, hopefully there isn't to much noise tonight. I can always use ear plugs. Then I can finally sleep, depending if I finish in time.

I pull on my coat and shoes, grabbing my keys and phone and heading out through the back door. It's usually very quiet at this time so the last thing I expected as to be grabbed the second I closed the door .

Someone's hand is around my neck squeezing extremely tightly, I try to scream but I can't. It's some strange man, an alpha definitely with crooked teeth and alcohol on his breath. He's squeezing too tightly and clawing into my scent glands.

"What a pretty omega, I'm sure you earn a lot of money tonight." He slurs "Why don't you give it to me?"

My money goes straight to my bank account, I don't have it on me.

"I don't have any money, get off me!" I yell, pushing him back so his hand loosens up

"I don't think so, how about you give me something else?" He asks, using his hand not holding my neck to slowly unzip his pants "Omegas are such cocksluts, you'll love this right? Now get on your knees."

"Get off! No way!" I scream, managing to push him back

I take a few steps away and a hand goes over my eyes, I'm pulled backwards into someone's chest. I hear the sound of a gun click but it doesn't sound like it's pointed at me. What the hell is going on?

"Leave him alone or else you'll wish you'd never been born." Someone growls and heavy footsteps run away

The hand disappears and I open my eyes to see Keith, who was holding a hand over my eyes and the man he was talking to, with the metal arm and white tuft in his hair. What are they doing? And why does this stranger have a gun?

"What's going on? Keith?" I ask taking another step back

"Are you ok Lance?" Keith asks "Did that guy do anything?"

"I'm fine, but what are you doing here?" I question "And who are you, why do you have a gun?"

"Lance calm down." Keith explains "This is Shiro, he's my boyfriend. We're here on some business."

"Sorry for scaring you." Shiro says

"It's ok..." I reply quietly

I look up at Shiro and it's like something clicks inside me, our instincts match... so my instincts matched with Keith and now Shiro? But they're already dating each other. I'm not going to come between that,

Wait Shiro still has a gun, and what 'business' do they have? This sounds so sketchy, I should probably go home and get away, what if they try to hurt me?

"Thanks for saving me, but I should really get going." I say

"It's dangerous to go alone, we could drive you home." Keith offers

I want to take their offer, I would get home faster and there's less risk of being attacked again. But I don't want to trouble them and they'd know where I live which is dangerous.

"No thank you, you've already helped enough." I say, taking another step back

I see concern flash in Keith's eyes and Shiro frowns slightly.

"Are you sure? It'd be a lot safer." Shiro replies

"Yeah, thank you again." I say and briskly walk away

I don't look back, I just need to get home. I can think about everything that's happened when I'm in my own apartment and don't need to worry about someone else attacking me.

Keith's P.O.V.
I watch Lance walk away, wanting nothing more to go after him. We should have at least driven him home but he rejected out offer. He's probably a bit wary after being attacked and seeing Shiro's gun but it's more dangerous out on the street.

"What do we do?" I ask

"There's nothing we can do." Shiro replies "He'll be fine, I'll get Matt to look into him later but we need to get home as well."

"What about Lotor? He clearly wants Lance." I question

"Lance isn't ours, yet." Shiro sighs "We need to trust he'll be okay."

I nod and then look back at the club, thinking about how to spend some more time with Lance. Clearly he's working two jobs to support himself, meaning he probably doesn't have much money. I know a way to see him that would benefit us both.

Lance's P.O.V.
I arrive home, thinking about the encounter I just had. I wasn't expecting Shiro and Keith to save me like that, Shiro had a gun for Christ's sake. I'm lucky I got out of there quickly, I could have been the one threatened next.

But I don't think Shiro or Keith are those kinds of people, they both looked really concerned about me. Not to mention they're both really hot and rich, but money isn't really what I care about in a person, even in my situation. Our instincts matched as well, but maybe that was just a mistake.

I need to stop thinking about them, it's just some stupid crush, I'm really tired so maybe our instincts didn't match and I was just imagining things. Wait shit, I have a crush. It doesn't matter anyway, I'll never see them again, besides we're to different and I'd just weigh them down. Besides, I need to focus on my assignment.

I pull out my work from my bag and begin to write and research my topic. I can't let myself become distracted from school, if I loose my good grades then I'll get kicked out of school. There's no other option after that then become a full time stripper or work full time at the café. I earn more money at the club but I don't want it to become my life.

Ughh I can't concentrate on my work, I feel like I'm being watched. I lock the window and close the blind. After that the feeling goes away however I still feel unnerved, somethings going to happen but I don't know what.

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