Chapter 14

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Lance's P.O.V.
It's been a week since I started coughing blood and was rushed to the infirmary. I've been off my suppressants ever since and it's starting to show. I was given new birth control pills by Dr.Heather but she didn't prescribe any suppressants, explaining that my body needs to go through it's natural cycle.

Shiro and Keith have told me my skins starting to look more healthy, I smell much stronger and sweeter and I seem to be having nesting instincts. I didn't even realise I was nesting but apparently I've been using more blankets and pillows on the bed.

I decided I needed to go back to my apartment. I have two boyfriends and I love them but they didn't ask me to move in with them and I don't want it to seem like I'm using them. I have missed a whole week of work and college to, hopefully I don't get fired.

I arrive at my apartment and unlock the door, walking inside to see nothing has moved. At least I haven't been robbed while I was gone. I walk to the kitchen, looking through the fridge for so,etching to eat. All my apples have gotten moody and bruised so I can't eat them. There must be something here I can eat.

After not finding anything I sit down on my bed, well mattress and sigh. I sigh and pick up one of my assignment sheets. The last thing I want to do is work but if I'm to far behind. Is this how my life is going to go? No I have Shiro and Keith now, no matter how hard life gets I'll have them.

I wonder if they want to have children one day? I mean after the whole suppressants issue it's made me think about the future. I didn't really plan for having children but I've always kind of wanted them. I come from a big family but I don't know if I'd want to have as many kids as I had siblings.

I didn't get a lot of time with my parents because there were so many of us. I didn't get a lot of attention as a kid but I knew my parents loved me, or at least I thought they did before I got kicked out. Maybe just one or two children and I'm going to make sure they know how loved and accepted they are.

Damn being off my suppressants have made me so hormonal, I wipe away some tears and turn back to my work, as I do there's a knock at the door.

I open it and see Keith and Shiro.

"Hey, What are you doing here?" I ask

"We don't like the idea of you living in this crappy apartment in a bad part of town." Keith says

"Would you like to move in with us?" Shiro asks "This might be moving to fast and you can say no, if not we'd at least like to pay for a better apartment for you."

"I'd like to move in with you." I say shyly

Keith hugs me tightly while Shiro smiles at us.

"Well then you should get packed up and we can go." Keith says

It only takes a few minutes to pack my things, I really don't have much. Soon enough I'm in a fancy black car on my way to Keith and Shiro's mansion. Keith won't let go of me, opting to hold my hand. Shiro seemed more reserved but my heart is fluttering at the thought of living with them.

We arrive at the mansion and I'm taken to their bedroom. I place my bag down and lay back onto the bed.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to sleep on this soft bed again." I say "My back is so sore."

"Want a massage?" Keith asks

I look up at him and chuckle.

"Sure." I reply

"How about after you unpack?" Shiro asks

"Oh yeah, good point." I say getting up from the bed

Shiro shows me where my things can go in the closet and draws. There's just so much room in this house, it's amazing. But I love them for them, not their money.

As I'm going through my things I notice all the lingerie I brought. I just shoved everything in my bag, I didn't really filter through it all. Do I really have this much? Oh god how can I explain that.

"You have a lot of lingerie." Keith says, appearing next to me

I shove it back into the bag with a blush.

"I-I had to for the club." I say nervously, they won't kick me out right?

I think I'm just to upped up on hormones, I'm getting overworked for nothing.

"Who got it for you?" Keith asks

"It was paid for by the Galra club, they took my measurements and then gave me it." I explain "I really hate working there but I don't have any choice."

"I don't like the thought of other people seeing you in clothing like this." Shiro says, appearing next to us

"If you're living here and don't have to pay any rent then does that mean you can quit?" Keith asks

"College is still a lot though, but it's only for a few more years." I reply

"The Galra Club is shady, the last thing we want is someone like Lotor and Kuro deciding you're there's for the taking." Keith says "What if we pay your college fee, I'm sure we can afford it."

"What?" I say in complete shock "There's no way you could do that, I'd just be using you."

"Not if we offered, you wouldn't have to work at the Galra Club anymore." Keith replies

"I still want to be independent though, I don't really like the stereotype of omegas just letting their alphas do everything for them." I say "And I still want to work for the café."

"How about we pay for half your current tuition?" Shiro asks

"So Altea Academy pays for half, then you pay a quarter and I pay a quarter?" I ask to set things straight

They both nod and I run though all the pros and cons in my head.

"Then I guess that's ok, if you really want to." I say

They both hug me tightly and I smile brightly, crying tears of relief. I never have to return to the Galra club again, the nightmare is over.

"Oh we have an envelope for you." Shiro says "It's your results from Dr.Heather, we haven't opened it and we were going to give it to you when we went to your apartment but you came back with us instead.

I take it from him and open the envelope, Reading the papers inside. It all seems to be ok, I'm not going to experience any more bad things as long as I stop taking my bad suppressants. One thing catches my eye though.

"I'm going to go into heat within the next few weeks due to stopping my suppressants so suddenly." I say

"What do you want to do?" Keith asks

I want to spend my heat with them, but I'm way to nervous to ask. How would I even begin to ask?

"Umm... well... do you want to?..." I say, stumbling on my words

"Want to join you for your head?" Shiro asks

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." I say quickly "I mean we still haven't known each other that long and-"

"Lance." Keith cuts me off "We would love too."

"But we haven't even kissed yet." I say

"Then lets change that. Shiro says

I turn towards him and my heart beats fast. Shiro presses a kiss to my lips and it's like I've been set on fire. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands go to my waist. Shiro's kiss is soft and sweet, it feels as if he truly cares about me. When we pull away I can see Keith pouting.

"Why did you get to kiss him first?" Keith asks

"Why not?" Shiro replies

I turn towards Keith and press a kiss to his lips as well. His kiss is more heated and possessive, like he's worried someone might take me away. I like the feeling of a protective boyfriend but not to the point where I'm being controlled. We pull away panting for air.

"I'd be happy to spend my heat here with you." I say to them "If you'll have me."

"Of course, we love you as well." Shiro says

"And we'll make sure you have the best heat ever." Keith adds

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