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Lance's P.O.V.
I come out of the infirmary after receiving some news from Dr.Heather. It's been four years since I first got together with Keith and Lance. In that time I finished at Altea Academy and am now working as a freelance artist. It's going well as a lot of people are interested in my art.

I don't work at the café anymore but I still drop by sometimes. Shiro, Keith and I are planning to get married however we don't have any solid plans. Although my news might hurry us along depending how well telling them goes. Turns out I'm pregnant with two pups.

I go to the bedroom, sitting in the nest I made but it's not calming me down. I'm so nervous and scared right now, but also excited. When Keith and Shiro come back then I'll tell them, I don't think I'll be able to make it a complete surprise.

I sigh and walk over to my canvas, continuing to paint the ocean scene. This gets my mind off the pups for a little bit but my mind keeps going back to them. I'm happy and excited but I don't know how Shiro and Keith would react. They say they would be happy and they want kids but that's different to actually being in that situation.

After a few hours Keith walks into the bedroom, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders, hugging me from behind. He presses a kiss to my forehead and then sniffs me.

"Everything alright? You smell strange." Keith states "Not in a bad way, just different."

"I'll tell you when Shiro gets back ok?" I say with a smile

Keith nods and then walks to the closet, changing into more casual clothes.

"Want to cuddle?" He asks

I immediately place down my paint brushes and walk over to my nest, crawling into Keith's sides. He presses a kiss to my forehead and rubs his hands on my back.

"Y'know I can't believe you still have a mullet." I say

"Again with the mullet?" Keith asks "I just have long hair."

"I want to braid it." I chuckle

My eyelids become heavy and I drift off to sleep, only waking up when I hear the door close. Shiro walks into the room, changing into more casual clothes as well. Even though they both look hot in their suits.

"Did I wake you?" Shiro asks

"Yeah but it's fine, I have some news anyway." I reply

Keith perks up at this and Shiro sits down in my nest.

"So you know how I've been sick lately and we though it was the flu?" I ask "Well I went to Dr.Heather today and it turns out I'm maybe, kinda, sorta pregnant?"

Shiro and Keith are silent for a few seconds before hugging me tightly and pressing kisses all over my lips and cheeks.

"I love you so much." Keith says

"This is amazing." Shiro adds

"Do you know what gender?" Keith asks

"It's to early to tell, but we know it's twins." I state "Ones Shiro's and ones Keith's."

They hug me tightly again, continuing to press kisses all over my face. The worry and nervousness completely wash away at how happy Shiro and Keith are. This is the start of a new chapter in our lives.

**Time skip to 4 months later**

Lance's P.O.V.
I'm laying in my nest, it's late at night but I can't sleep. I keep catching whiffs of a scent I don't recognise but during my pregnancy my sense of smell has been a bit off so maybe I'm just going crazy. Besides no one would ever be able to get into this house, it's so secure and safe. Keith and Shiro are sleeping beside me, holding into me tightly.

Ever since we found out about the pregnancy they've been much more protective over me. They haven't been controlling, I can still do whatever I want and leave without an escort however if someone comes to close that they don't like they'll growl or cling to me. I'm showing a little now, with two pups it makes sense I would show early on. I'm not huge yet though.

I catch another whiff of that strange scent, smelling it for longer this time. I don't think I'll be able to sleep like this. I shake Shiro awake and he opens his eyes, looking at me confused.

"Everything alright Lance?" He asks

"No, someone's in the house." I whisper

Shiro immediately sits up and pulls me into a hug.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yeah, I keep catching a scent I don't recognise." I reply, burying myself into his body

He shakes Keith awake who looks up at us and immediately senses something isn't right.

"What's going on?" He asks

"Lance can smell someone in the house." Shiro explains

We hear footsteps down the hallway and my hands fly to my stomach.

Keith growls and grabs his gun from the nightstand, opening up the door slowly.

"Are you alright with waiting here alone for a few minutes?" Shiro asks, pulling out his gun as well

I nod and they both walk out the door. I rub my stomach softly but it doesn't calm me down. I'm all alone when there's someone who snuck into our house. I step out of my nest and tip toe over to the nightstand where there is another gun. I load it and point it at the door.

I hear a few gun shots and footsteps walking towards the door. The door opens and I begin to shake in fear. I can't tell who it is.

"Lance it's me." I hear Shiro say

I place the gun down and jump into Shiro's arms.

"Where's Keith?" I ask nervously

"He's cleaning up a little mess, he'll come back in a bit." Shiro replies

We pack the guns away and lie back down in my nest. Keith comes back after a few minutes and lays down next to me, his hands protectively over my stomach.

"Are the pups alright?" Keith asks

I nod and roll around to face Keith, hugging him tightly.

"I thought you got shot." I whisper "Who was it?"

"We're unsure, however we will find out soon enough." Shiro states "Now sleep, you sound exhausted."

I close my eyes and fall asleep quickly, after being awake most of the night sleep comes easily. Shiro and Keith press kisses to my forehead and cheeks. Even the pups are sleeping. I know Keith and Shiro will always protect me, I'm glad to have them as my mates. We're going to have an amazing life.

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