Chapter 6

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Lance's P.O.V.
Pidge, Hunk and I are having your weekly game night tonight and I'm so excited. I get the night off of work, even though I still had to work at the café today. I can just spend time with my best friends, I can even talk to them about Shiro and Keith. Maybe they'll know what to do.

I've packed my bag and even packed a bit of my school work in case we end up doing some tonight, although I doubt we will. After I check everything is packed I walk out of my apartment and head to Pidge's house.

My landlord's left me alone since I paid him the money, which is a bit of stress off my shoulders. I need to work harder though to get money for next month. It's not like I can keep asking Shiro and Keith for money every time I'm in a tough situation.

I arrive at Pidge's house and her brother Matt answers the door. I like coming here and seeing Pidge's family, it reminds me of mine before I got kicked out.

"Hey Lance, Pidge and Hunk are in the tree house." He says

"Thanks Matt." I reply

I walk through the house and get to the backyard, climbing up to the ladder leading to the tree house.

"Hey guys." I say, placing my bag down

"Hey Lance." Pidge says

"Hey buddy, how's it going?" Hunk says

"Pretty good, I actually have some news." I state "But we should start playing first."

Pidge sets up the D&D game while I pull out some snacks. We pick our characters and begin to play.

"So what news do you have?" Hunk asks

"I went on a date." I answer

"Really?!" He exclaims "With who?"

"Actually there was two of them." I say "Their names are Shiro and Keith."

"Two people?" Pidge asks, raising an eyebrow "Also you need to roll."

"Yeah, it's called polyamory." I state, rolling the dice

"I know what it's called." Pidge says "I just didn't think that's something you would be into."

"Me neither but our instincts kind of matched..." I say

Hunk's eyes brighten and he hugs me tightly.

"I'm so happy for you." He says "What are they?"

"They're both alphas, I don't know how far it'll go though." I say

"Well you won't know unless you try." Pidge says "So give them a chance and everything might work out."

"I hope so." I say

"How did you meet?" Hunk asks

"Oh at the restaurant I work at during the night." I say

I tell them I work at a restaurant as a cover.

"Do they have jobs? What are they like?" Pidge asks

"I think they're really rich but I don't know what they work as." I state "Probably as business men or something."

I wonder what they do work as, it must be something that pays well.

"Well what are their full names? Can we find them on Facebook?" Pidge question

"I don't know, I don't know them that well." I reply "Now come on, we should finish the game."

Hunk's P.O.V.
When Lance leaves to go to the bathroom I turn to pidge, we're both wearing the same concerned look.

"I don't like the sound of whoever these guys are." Pidge's says "I mean who doesn't tell their date their last name before going out?"

"They sound shady, they have lots of money but he doesn't know what they do?" I say suspiciously "And there's been a lot of mafia related things in the area."

"Lance wouldn't get himself messed up with that." Pidge says

"But if their instincts matched then he might go with whatever they say." I state

Before we can continue our conversation Lance comes back and sits down. I'm starting to get really worried about him, he doesn't seem to have any family, he worked two jobs, the second we know nothing about and now he's going out with suspicious sounding people?

"Hey Lance, what's the name of the restaurant you work at?" I ask "I want to come by some time."

"Oh really? Why? It's not that amazing or anything." He says

"But we still want to come visit you, promise we'll leave you a good tip." Pidge adds

"It's just a Mexican restaurant on the west side." He replies "Really you don't have to come."

I give Pidge a suspicious look which she returns. Lance is hiding something but he obviously doesn't want us to talk about it. I won't push but if I feel he's in to over his head I'm going to get whatever secret he's hiding then I'll make him tell me whatever secret he's hiding, I'm his best friend I wouldn't judge him.

"So did you guys ever finish that assignment?" Lance asks

Lotor's P.O.V.
I'm sitting in my office looking over some paperwork when my phone rings. I sigh and pick it up, noticing it's the henchmen I sent to watch Lance while he isn't working.

"Did something happen?" I ask, answering the phone

"His friends are suspicious, they seem to be catching on to the truth about Shirogane and Kogane." He replies

"I don't care about them, however if they try to tell Lance the truth." I state "Well, make sure it doesn't happen."

"Understood." He says "I'll call with anymore information."

I hang up and turn back to my paperwork. Lance's friends shouldn't become a problem, I doubt they'd be able to figure out the truth however if they do then I'll need to take care of them. If Lance realises the truth he could feel destroyed about being lied to, and I want to break his mind.

It shouldn't be to long now until Lance is ours. Our mate, filled with our pups and bearing our marks. Shirogane and Keith have no chance against us, they may be the largest mafia group but it's time for a new group to take power.

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