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-Daegu, South Korea-


Y/n-"What do you mean it's not safe? Why are you speeding? Jungkook-"

Jungkook-"It's just not safe, okay?! We have to get out of this place as soon as possible."

We were arguing in the car and I was stupid enough not to stop running my mouth.

Y/n-"What's happening?!"

Jungkook-"I'll tell you la-



I see blood. A lot of blood. It won't stop flowing. But then I notice Jungkook.

"Jungkook..." I try to reach for his hand. I felt super weak but I had to make sure he was okay. I continue screaming out his name thinking it would magically wake him up. 

"Jungkook!, I'm sorry, it's all my fault! Please Jungkook-- AHHH!" I start crying and screaming for help but no one was around. I tried reaching for him again but then I feel a sharp pain at the back of my head. My vision goes blurry and I black out. 


At the hospital...

I wake up and with my blurry vision and look around. All I see are human figures and unclear faces. I keep hearing the words "Calm down, You're fine, It's okay, and Push"

The pain in my stomach wouldn't stop. It only kept getting worse each time I breathed. I just wanted it all to be over. 

"Arghhhh!" I grunted as the pain continued to worsen. 

"Please push as hard as you can. You can do it" a voice shouted" 

This whole situation made me feel like death was the only solution to the pain.

"Come on you can do this" a woman's voice rang in my ear. 

Tears escape from my eyes because of the pain all over my body.

"ARGGGHHHH!" I screamed out again. 

"Doctor Sung, she's having more contractions. I don't think she can hold any longer. We hav-

"No! We can't. Our job is to save lives. I know this is risky but it's better trying to save two lives than killing them both. Just do what I say!" Mr Jung responds to the female voice. 

"Ahhhhhh! Please just let me die! I can't do this!"

The machines started giving me headaches. I didn't want to be here and it hurts so much. I heard the door open and quick footsteps made their way to my side. 

"Y/n! It's me! Please be strong!" a man's shouted with concern. 

The man quickly holds my hands and starts encouraging me to push. 

"Y/n-ah, I'm here. Your safe now" he adds. 

I squeeze his hand tightly as I push harder and soon after, I hear the cry of a baby.

"Congratulations it's a boy!!" the doctor exclaimed. 

When I heard the baby cry, a small smile appeared on my face. Before even holding him I quickly gave in due to all the pain an stress I had just went through. 


Jungkook Pov~

I wake up looking around. I hear beeping and see a bunch of wires on my body. I also see machines everywhere. I try to move but my body hurts when I do so. Then I start to remember how I got her and everything else.


I rip all the wires off me.

"Mr, Jeon please stay in your ro-" one of the nursed called out. 

Before she could finish, I was gone. I went from door to door trying to find Y/n. I approach a door and hear something about contractions. I could hear the pain in her voice. I ran into the room seeing her weak little body laid on the bed surrounded by doctors and nurses. I quickly go to her and hold her hand. 


A few days later...

I looked at the baby to find how similar it was to Y/n. It had Y/n's little mole and her nose.  I hear my phone ringing, so I put the baby down and pick up the phone.

[Jungkook: Hello?]

[???: Congratulations.]

[Jungkook: Who is this?! What do you want now? More money? Just tell me how much.]

[???: As I said earlier, I don't need money anymore, well from you at least.]

[Jungkook: Just tell me what you want, I'll give it to you. Leave me and my family alone.]

[???: Okay, that was easier than I thought. Now listen. Look over to your right.]

Jungkook peers over and sees the nurse standing there.

[Jungkook: The nurse? That's what you want? Easy.]

[???: No, not her. The cart she's pushing around is carrying highly dangerous explosives. If they explode they will hurt the people around you, your family and you.  You got two choices. Pick the wrong one and they go off.]

[Jungkook: And what are they?]

[???: One- Stay, Two- Leave and take the child with you. Don't ever be in touch with Y/n ever again. You got ten seconds to decide. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ]

Jungkook made eye contact with the nurse to realize she was in on the plan. He wanted to be selfish and save his family but the only thing he could do was leave. Before the countdown was over he quickly made his decision. 

[Jungkook: Fine. I'll leave. Let me warn you right now. When I find you, it's over.]

[???: I see your smart. Now get ready to leave Daegu. Take your child with you too. You have an hour to leave. When you get home, everything will be packed and your flights are already taken care of. Have a nice trip.] he cuts off the phone

I walk around the room thinking of how I can stop this but I have no way. I look at Y/n and the baby.

Y/n, I'm so sorry I failed you once again.  

Y/n, don't worry. We will meet again

A/n- Hellooo. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

My goal right now is to just upload. I'm going to edit later so ye. Sorry for any mistakes or things you don't understand. Once I finish this whole thing, I'm going to go back and edit a lot. Again thanks for reading.

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