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Y/n Pov~

I sat at the desk across the room from Mr.Jeon. I couldn't stop looking at the marble table with my things on top. A small smile sneaked onto my face to show how excited I was to finally have a work desk. 

"Stop killing time and get to work." Mr.Jeon demanded. 

"Yes, Sir!" I said as another smile crept up my face."

"Don't smile you look ugly."

I ignored what he said and started typing and filling out forms.

"You're typing too loud. Stop," he ordered. 

I let it slide again but the next time he points something out, I'm not holding back.

"Don't glare at me."

"Wow! You sure know how to control people. What do you want me to do next? Stop breathing?!" I stood up and got a cup of water.

He got out of his seat and walked slowly over to me. He kept getting closer and closer. With each step he took, I kept moving back trying to inch away from him. He got close enough so my back would touch the wall. We were a view breaths away from sharing a kiss. I shut my eyes tightly not wanting to see what would happen next. All I could feel now was his warm breath brush against my ear.

"Don't exist," he whispered.

I was about to say something to him but the door flew open revealing a surprised person. I quickly shoved Mr.Jeon away from me making sure there's a lot of distance. As I pushed him away, I could see a sly smirk on his face that I so desperately wanted to smack away. 

"I'll leave you two al-

"It's okay! Come in! Nothing is happening" I blurt out. I walk back to my desk with a fast pace and tried to focus on work.

The awkward silence was then broken by the man who came into the office.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Mr.Jeon angrily asked.

The man awkwardly stood there and spoke of who he was and why he was here. I sat there and mentally faced palmed myself. If only my big mouth would shut up sometimes. I wouldn't be sitting here acting like I was some mistress. Ughhh

He gave an invitation to Mr.Jeon and left. Because I heard everything, I asked him if he wanted me to find someone to go with him. He looked at me blankly for a second and then spoke.

"Search up that one model. I think her name is IU. Have here accompany me to this event."

"Alright. I'll notify her. Should I schedule a time for you two to meet before the party? Or just leave it like that?" I looked back and forth from my keyboard to him. But still no answer. "Anything you want sir." I said staring at my watch. 

"Come back to m- I mean do whatever you want. Just make sure it's her."

I nod my head and continue my work.

Jungkook Pov~

Her smile brings back painful and happy memories. Her confused looks remind me of when she would sit in one of the university room alone trying to figure out everything the lecture was about. Or when she would always rub her ear when she was thinking hard. Just looking at her this moment I realized how much I missed her. She hasn't changed at all. 

When I realized I kept staring I made an excuse so she wouldn't notice. 

(Little A/n- {} <---the words in there are what he is actually thinking and wants to say.)

"Stop killing time and get to work." {Just stop what you're doing and run into my arms}      

"Don't smile you look ugly." { I missed that beautiful smile.}    

"You're typing too loud. Stop."  {Don't block me out with your loud typing!}

"Don't glare at me." {Just look at me. Notice meeee.}      

"Don't exist." {Exist only for me. Be mine again!}

Time Skip-

She started talking about the party invitation. But I tuned everything out and my only focus was now on her lips. I wanted to feel them against mine again. She started asking questions but I didn't know how to answer so I just said what was on my mind.

"Come back to m- I mean do whatever you want. Just make sure it's her."

Shit! What did I just say? Oh god, I sound like a fool.

Taehyung Pov~

I quickly pick up a call from my uncle.

[Uncle] Don't forget to be there tomorrow. This whole thing was arranged for you.
[Taehyung] Yes uncle. How can I forget? *small chuckle*
[Uncle] Good boy. I'm so happy you're finally getting your name cleared as a criminal.
[Taehyung] Yeah I guess...
[Uncle] Just know I was always on your side. I knew those rumors weren't true. Now it's finally being revealed.
[Taehyung] I apologize but something came up. I have to go. Bye.

I hang up and lay on my bed.


A/n- Okay I'm stopping here. I can't go on. Sorrry and I'M BACKKKKKK!

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