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Soomin Pov~ 

~*Past of Soomin*~ 

Years ago...

???-" How was school girls?" Mr.Lee asked looking at my younger sister and me. 

"It was fun! I made a new friend and found out this boy likes me!" I responded happily. 

"I-I I g-got. N-no, I-I  m-marked number 1 in c-class."  Y/n stuttered. 

She had this speaking disorder when she was younger. It took her a long time to even start speaking. Our mom told us she said her first word at age six. Luckily for me, I was about 7 months. She still stutters now at age eight. Other than her speaking she is very intelligent. 

"How many times do I have to tell you not to waste your time! Just focus on your studies. Just like Y/n. Can't you at least do something about your mark in school?" My father scolded as he heard Y/n's answer. 

"F-father! When are you ever going to stop comparing me to her?! I'm the oldest! At least I don't have the last mark. Can't you at least be happy about that?" I answered back so close to tears. 

As my tears slowly fell down, my mom covered my ears. "Y/n, go to your room now! Honey that was very rude of you. She's just a little girl!" 

"Mom, can I go too?" I asked sobbing. She quickly let go of me. 

I run into the bedroom crying my eyes out. This happened every day of my life. My father never looked at me the same way he did for Y/n. Everyone is also the same. I hate being compared to her. I hate it! I hate her!

As I got to the door I saw her sitting and doing her assignments. I quickly took one of her books and ripped it in her face. She looked at me with her big glossy eyes as she was close to tears. 

"W-why do you h-hate me?" She asked.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I said as I stomped all over her papers. Her sobs got louder and louder as I continued stomping all over her work. 

"S-stop! Stop! P-please Stop! Unnie, I'm S-sorry!" 


A few years later. 

I went to my father and showed him I got a higher score in maths than I did last time. He looked at it but his facial expression stayed the same.  

 "I really tried this time!" I give him a reassuring smile. 

He looked at the score one last time and ripped it. But then Y/n walked in and handed him her score, a small smile creeps up his face. 

How disgusting... I thought.

"You never disappoint Y/n." he chuckled. 

I peered over to her paper. 210?! How?

"The maths teacher said I didn't miss any and I got 10 extra points for my descriptions." 

"You see Soomin. Be more like her."  


All my life up to middle school l have always heard comments like...

"Oh! I thought Y/n was the oldest."

"Wow Y/n has gotten better at speaking."

"Look at the way she(Y/n) plays the piano. It's perfect!" 

"Mr.Lee you're lucky you have a smart daughter like Y/n."

And so on.   

No one ever saw me and told me a good comment. People said I was just Y/n's shadow. Always saying her future was going to be bright. I just wanted to be happy with her. Nothing else. And the way she looks at me and trusts me, just only makes things harder. The only one who saw the good in me was my mother.


After that day he died, everything was going to go my way. Y/n will no longer be loved. It's my position to make her life hell. Just like how she did mine. I don't care if she's my only sister. It's her fault for ruining my childhood. I'll do my best to ravage my dear sister. Poor her, no one can save her now. She's all alone.


~*Present of Soomin*~

A glass of wine sat in my hand while I smiled over triumph. 

"He'll send the money in no time. Be more patient!" I demanded the man in front of me.  

???-"I said I don't want your money anymore! I've been working for you for the past years and I still haven't got what I was promised!" he says with an insolent tone. 

"Who do you think you are? You still want to live, right?" I got up from my couch and quickly pulled out a knife. The knife went right under the man's chin. 

.???-"Awww you're too cute" he teased. "Put the knife down and listen. I could've left you a long time ago. Taking all your money and turning you in. But I stuck with your evil plans and never betrayed you. Your time is almost over. If I don't get what I want in a few months. I'll expose everything and make sure you suffer." he continues.

"Haha! Make me suffer? You're no different than me. What can I say...we're both criminals." I smirked back. 


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