Chapter 10.

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We file into the big top and I hand my ticket over to one of the circus ladies standing at the opening of the tent, I'd say she's in her 20's; a little older than me. I thought she looked beautiful from afar, but now that I'm standing half a couple feet away from her, I realize her heavy stage makeup makes her look a little like a man dressed in drag. I suppose that's the thing about stage makeup, it makes you look amazing from afar, but close up, it's a little too much.

She takes my ticket from me without giving me any eye contact and tells me to follow her. I look back to make sure Luke and Hannah are coming in after me which they are.

"Take a seat in this section honey" she says as she points to the rows of vacant seats that are filling up, fast. I stand up on the steel step and file into a row one level above the ground. The smell of the grass of our football field is quite prominent, probably due to the warmth and enclosure of the tent.

When I reach the end of the vacant seats I sit down next to a middle-aged man who has his daughter sitting on his lap. Luke follows and sits next to me and Hannah sits next to Luke. I look around and take in where I am. The Big Top looked huge from the outside, but now that I'm in here, it feels even bigger.

Clowns are walking around playing jokes on the families and children as everyone is settling in for the show. Circus music is continually playing over the excited squeals and laughter of the Rosalind residents. A young man in a white and red striped shirt is walking around with a tray hanging from his neck. On it sits boxes of popcorn that he is trying to sell.

The vibe in here is indescribable, I feel like I have stepped out of the world I live in and into a completely new dimension. A mysterious, exciting and magical dimension.

I look at Luke who smiles at me and puts a hand on my leg, "You'll love it, Belle" he says as the lights suddenly dim to darkness.

The circus music stops, I'm sitting in a blackened tent and all I can hear are various audience members shushing each other and murmuring around me. My heart begins to pound from the anticipation yet I'm not sure why.

I hear a deep voice yell from the middle of the ring, it is still dark so I can't see who it is.

"LAAAADIES AND GENTLMEN" a man shouts and suddenly many bright lights turn on in unison, beams streaming into the middle of the circus ring. And there stands Harry. His arms are standing in the air; he is looking up at the audience with an intense and serious gaze. He's wearing a black top and black pants with bright yellow shoes on. Not the typical ringleader outfit, or circus costume in general. At least I'd think.


His voice projects throughout the whole tent; he instantly mesmerizes me.

"ARE YOU READY?" he screams at us as the audience screams back in reply. Harry smiles and his dimples dent his cheeks, he picks up a microphone from his pocket and screams into it.

"That simply was not good enough. I repeat: ARE. YOU. READY?"
People are screaming at the top of their lungs all around me, the anticipation and excitement filling the room is impossible to ignore. Music begins to play and Harry continues to rile the crowd up, yelling at the top of his lungs into the microphone and encouraging the audience to do the same back.

I would never admit it, especially not to Hannah, but Harry looks good standing in the middle of the ring with the blue and orange lights shining onto him. His wavy hair flows with his every movement, I could stare at his gorgeous face all day. His tattoos are covered up, but the fact that I know they are underneath his clothes does things to me I can't explain. I shake my head and tell myself it's just the attention he has on him that is making me feel attracted to him. I remind myself he is a jerk to me and that I'm here to watch the whole show, not just him.

I rest my hands into my lap and get comfortable, the show is starting and I am going to allow myself to enjoy it.

"Brace yourselves" Harry says, "for the beautiful young Zara and the magnificent Elle!" he says and begins to dance to the music playing as he walks off from the center of the stage to make way for the first act. He touches his torso in a suggestive way and I can't help but feel seduced by his sexual movements. He is not the typical ringleader. That is absolutely for sure.

We are sitting to the right side of the ring, and I guess that is where Harry will be standing when he is not performing; he is walking straight towards us. I try not to look at him but I cave in for just a moment. I shoot a quick glance over to see he is leaning against a pole in the dark, next to the stand I'm sitting on. It is dark where we are, but I quickly realize he is looking straight at me. I look away, embarrassed to have been caught looking for him. After a few moments, I look back; he is still staring at me. Not just in my direction; he is staring RIGHT into my eyes. He squints his eyes at me if to communicate something to me. I stare back and shrug in frustration, what the hell is he trying to tell me?

I return my eyes to the front, deciding to ignore him I sit back and get ready to see "the beautiful young Zara and the magnificent Elle".

Luke leans into my shoulder and whispers in my ear; "this is my favorite part".

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