chapter 1 Hello stranger

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( Willow)  I took his face into my hands as he looks straight into my eyes I don't know what next move to do but I didn't have to think about it he just kissed me and we went along with it ( Joey the stage manager) Davey The Wanted on stage in 5 minutes are you ready . ( Davey) yeah I'll be there in a minute as he turns around while he was thinking of a lot of things Davey love what he did he loves his career he loves the feeling that the crowd and the fans gave him as he went out to sing his heart out. But not all of it was a good feeling sometimes he felt like he was he was in famous he wish that he would leave him alone even his fans as much as to he loved them he wanted some alone time he wanted to be normal once again even though he works so hard to get where he was . As he stepped on stage he took one deep breath and told himself that he was doing this for his own good he knew he loved doing his job but sometimes he just needed some alone time he thought on stage and did his thing without ever thinking about anything else again . Davey thought it was another great show he couldn't help that feeling that the fans gave him that was the one good thing about him being famous the one thing that kept him going and kept him wanting to keep doing this unless he would have quit a while ago.

( Willow) so it's never really popular in high school I was more of the nerd smart girl that kept to myself did all my work on time maybe sometimes even ahead of time I didn't have much friends because not a lot of people like me and they thought I was weird when they didn't want to be my friends it was only to do their homework. ( Willow ) I would also get bullied a lot and not a lot of people defending me but I did remember that one day someone did defend me after being bullied for so long and it was the person I did not expect to defend me since then every time someone made fun of me he was there to defend me. (Willow) I remember he did it because he told me he knew how it was to feel like the outcast but I also told him that how does he know how it feels to be an outcast if he was popular even if he was different but he always told me he still felt like an outcast that's the reason he defended me . ( Willow) I never really considered us friends I just consider us acquaintances and a person that actually defended me from the bullies and took no crap from any popular people were actually scared of Davey I remember correctly that that was his name. ( Willow) After High School I never really saw him again until one day I was watching TV and I saw him on TV I recognized him right away but it seemed to be that he was in a bad now he was famous and he had changed so much he even looks so different then again I had changed myself.

( Willow) it turned out he was in a very famous band called AFI and he was the lead singer and they were having a show where I lived I decided to get tickets will at least one ticket for me to go alone at the show even though I had changed and not had my nerdy look anymore I didn't have much friends still so I decided to go on my own to my luck there was still tickets so I bought them right away. ( Willow) I thought to myself what he even remember me but he even know who I was I mean he was famous after all what he even care if you remembered me I mean did it really matter for some reason I just wanted to see if he would I wanted to talk to him and thank him for all the years he defended me. ( Willow) he seemed to go for a way more goth look now but I didn't mind it it actually looks really good on him a part of me always thought you was cute but I knew we would never end up together cuz we were totally different and I was a nerd and he was a goth God really regardless I had change now and maybe he will notice. ( Hunter) he's been in there for a while he's hasn't been wanting to come out I don't know what's wrong with him and try to talk with him but it seems like he's having one of those days again do you think you could get through to him we have to go on stage in a few minutes. ( Jade) don't worry about it I'll take care of it I'll get through to him you guys go ahead and get ready to get on stage I'll talk to him hey Davey it me Jade listen buddy I know you're going through a few things but we got to go on stage in a little bit I'm here for you man if you need to talk can I come in at least.

( Davey) guess you can come in I'm sorry I don't mean to be a fuss to all of you it's just sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough or like I want to give up I don't know what's wrong with me I guess I'm tired of the famous life but I love the fans and I'll never leave them behind that's why I'm still doing this ( Jade ) I know I get that and if you need to talk I'm here for you man you need a break we can take a break if it's necessary . ( Davey) no I can't do that to the fence I would never let them down don't worry you're right it's just a little face thing I'm going through now let's go on that stage ( Jade ) I meant what I said and then if we have to take a break for you to be okay I'm fine with it I can talk to the guys about it. ( Davey) thank you that means a lot man but I think I'll be okay for now I appreciate you talking to me and understanding me I really do but let's go and rock that stage and as we always do it's the best medicine for me at least and those fans they love me and I well they deserve what they came here to see . ( Willow) I had got into the show a little bit early to get some good seats the tickets ruin really related to the seats who got do it just buy the tickets and get to sit wherever you want that's what I liked since I got there early I got to sit where I want it in the very front where I could to see my old friend .
( Willow) as more people came in I knew that the show would be starting soon I started preparing myself wondering and thinking as the show started if he would even recognize me if you would even notice me to me really didn't matter but if he didn't it was okay I was here to support him.

( Willow) has the show started he came on stage so I'm confident I loved everything about it now I remembered why I was such a fan of his he had so much confidence and he didn't care what people thought of him and he still didn't the crowd went crazy for him every move he made every lyric he sang and I was along with them. ( Willow) I kept trying to see if he would notice me since I was in the front row but he was too busy being good to his fans and the crowd that was still going crazy for him for every little move he made all the lyrics he sang with the power that he sang those lyrics. ( Willow) that's when there was a moment where I swear I thought he looked at me for at least 5 seconds he looked at me like he thought he knew me and that's when I thought he probably recognize me now but then he went back to before me and I thought of it as nothing really. ( Willow) the show continued as I tried to sing along to the songs that I tried to learn before I went to the show the fans were still going crazy you would take breaks to talk to their fans he actually really cared about them and got to know them for some hope I was hoping he would probably talk to me. ( Jade) what's wrong Davey seemed a little bit out of it after that last bit of that song it seem like you seen someone you recognize did you in the crowd ( Davey) I thought I did some girl seem familiar but maybe I was wrong I don't know maybe I was wrong cuz she seemed really familiar you know what maybe I'm just tired I'm just going to go get some sleep.

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