chapter 5 the rockstar ways

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( Davey) Wake up  we're finally here at our destination I'm sorry if I woke you up but I kind of meant to just want you to see this place it's so beautiful ( Willow) it's fine you just scared me a little bit he came out of nowhere where are we anyway . ( Davey) well not just any place but one of my favorite places yet we're in New York I don't know if you ever been here but this is one of my favorite places to play a show and I thought I'd show you around today before he do that show if it's okay with you. ( Willow) oh wow my own personal tour guide I've never had one of those of course I love that I've never been to a New York I've always wanted to go and now that we're here it'll be awesome if you show me around you know what better than I do for sure. ( Davey) yeah you have a point on that I guess I will be your own personal tour guy just get dressed and we'll grab something on our way on our tour guide I know the perfect place where we can have breakfast and lunch before the show course I'll be on me . ( Willow) find then as long as you promise me I can buy you lunch at some point during this tour I won't have you buy me all my meals I mean after all you already asked me on this hard that's a very generous thing to do and I want to repay you back in a way.

( Davey) find deal then but just know that having you on this tour and your company is enough for me I mean I have the guys and everything but you need some female company sometimes you know if that doesn't sound creepy or anyting let's me and you kind of have history I mean I have history with them too but you know what I mean. ( Willow) no I get to that wasn't weird at all so I might as well go take a shower and get dressed my no one's in there right ( Davey) last time I checked I didn't see anyone in there but I can check for you just in case ( Willow) now don't worry about it I can check on my own I'm a big girl after all. Davey just walks away as he waits in the front of the bus for her to be ready he talks to his friends about how he's so excited to show her around the city they all seem to have an idea that she might have a crush on her more than just friends. But they don't really mind it or tell him anything he feel like this would be good for him he has struggled with his relationships and they never really work out they felt like a normal person would do Vision good today so they just go along and hear him out with everything he has to say. ( Willow ) I'm sorry if that took a little bit long you know us girls sometimes take along and never mind anyways shall we get going ( Davey) yeah let's get going our cab is actually outside to take us to our first place I figured we would get breakfast before we start I mean if you're hungry I know I am.

( Davey) you go thank you hold on let me get the door for you as he goes to her side to open the door for her ( Willow) what what a gentleman of you thank you very much this place looks very beautiful ( Davey) yeah I have ate here before they have the best breakfast yet you'll see when we get the door for you again. ( Willow) I don't know if it was just me but it seemed like he was trying to impress me too much he seemed a little bit nervous which was new to me he was number nervous around me but now he seems to change and be nervous about every little move he made around me. ( Willow) I had to admit that I was a little bit nervous myself around him I mean we were friends before I think we were friends he defended me at least but now is totally different I looked different and he looked a little bit different himself and I still saw the good person that defended me in him. ( Davey) so how are you enjoying your food so far it's the best breakfast yet right I hope so I hope you like it I mean if you don't we can go somewhere else it's totally fine ( Willow ) now here I thought I was a nervous anxiety person you can calm down it's fine you don't have to do flips around me you just being here is impressive enough. ( Davey) I'm sorry I'm acting like a total fool at the same time trying to impress you for some reason you're right I should come down but I don't know what it is when I'm around you I just act weird ( Willow) well you don't have to you know I'm the same person you knew back then except I just look different.

( Davey) I'll try not to but you're right we have history and we shouldn't be acting weird in front of each other I mean we have met change a little bit in appearance but we're still the same people I can tell with you by the way we still the smart very funny person that I knew back then ( Willow) and you're still the smooth cool guy that I knew that defended me and never let anybody put me down . ( Davey) well I'm glad you still think I'm cool I think I'm average I mean being famous and everything doesn't make anybody even cooler well at least I think so I tried it that it not get to my head I try to stay true to myself really ( Willow) and I really do see that Angus till I see the way you perform and I see the way that you love what you do. ( Davey) I do for sure when I'm out on that stage the  feeling incredible I've never had people are cheering for me people are loving me and it's no better feeling I'm doing what I love for the rest of my life and I'm very lucky for that but I want to share it with you now now that we reconnected . ( Willow) of course I would like that too I mean I don't like you for your Fame I like you for you you were there for me when nobody was and now you're here for me again I really do appreciate that plus your band rocks I've been looking into it and everything I love your guys as music and style just so much out there and so you. ( Davey ) thank you I really do appreciate that anyways we should get going we have a lot of places to see or I have a lot of places to show you around the city that I know you will like now let's get going has they both walked out of the restaurant cuz he gets the door for her once again.

( Willow) well you weren't kidding when you said you really knew this city well then the places he took me were so amazing I really did enjoy spending time with you today and I can't wait for the show later on today I'll be cheering you on for sure ( Davey) am I ever really wrong but first before the show and we get back to practice will I get back to band practice I have one more place to show you. ( Willow) what could possibly top all the places you've already showed me but then again I'm talking to you that knows the city too well I'm ready for whatever you have coming for me I'm sure it's going to be wonderful as they both walk along side each other . ( Davey) okay first let me cover your eyes I will remove my hands when I am ready to show you where we are you can trust me by the way I can lead you all the way ( Willow) okay I trust you my body is in your hands so please don't let me fall as he takes her hand. ( Davey) we're almost there we're going to be stepping out of the car now I will help you out don't worry I won't let you fall you can trust me has a walk along and they finally get to the destination they were meant to see okay in a little bit I will remove my hands from your eyes then I will tell you when to open them. ( Davey) okay now I'm removing my hands from your eyes and the count of three you will open your eyes and see where I bring you 1 2 3 open your eyes has Willow open their eyes she's amazed at what she's looking at ( Willow) look at the view of this place it's amazing wow it's beautiful .

( Davey ) I knew you would like it most of the time when I come to New York or we're going to do a show here I make sure to visit this place I love this view I like to come up here usually alone but it's nice to come up here with someone but when I do come alone I like to come up here and think about everything that the show my life in general. ( Willow ) I can see why you do like to come here alone but I'm glad that you were able to share this with me I can see how you can come up here and think of everything it seems very peaceful I really do appreciate you sharing this with me .

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