chapter 2 Nerd Girl

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( Davey) I didn't get much sleep last night I couldn't stop thinking about that girl for some reason I thought I knew her I thought I seen her somewhere she seem familiar but then again she didn't seem familiar where have I seen this girl before it and why is she bothering me so much I kind of have to know who she is . ( Willow) it was kind of a long stretch to think that he would remember me plus I had changed so much the way I looked now but I thought there was maybe a chance that he would remember me it's okay I was supporting him and that's all that really matter. ( Willow) but something made me think that he did recognize me he did look at me for a while after he was getting off of State maybe I should find a way to contact him somehow I don't know how but I just have to talk to him again and thank him. ( Jade) hey I came to tell you that our fight will be leaving in a little bit funny to get going to the airport what's bothering you you seem weird since last night ( Davey) remember that girl from the concert last night that I thought I knew I think I do know her for some reason. ( Jade) what do you mean you know her like you met her before his offend or you know her in your past life is this really bothering you that much ( Davey) that is kind of bothering me that much I know not as a fan but I've met before but as an old friend I guess you could say .

( Davey) do you think there's any way we can get in contact with her somehow I mean she bought a ticket to my show so there has to be her information or something ( Jade) I'm not quite sure if that's illegal but I mean we could try if this is really bothering you that much was this person like at your old friend or something. ( Davey) you could say something like that I think I don't know I didn't think about all of this I wonder if she recognized me it seemed like she did the way she looked at me ( Jade) well I try to get someone to get right on it and see what we can find out . ( Jade) gnosis girl might change your mood for the best I mean lately you haven't been in the best mood no offense I'm your friend and everything and I'm here for you but I don't want to see you and happy and if this girl helps let's do it . ( Willow) he's having a few more shows maybe I should go to the next show and see if maybe I can meet him somehow maybe we can talk and then maybe he'll remember I know I remember him for sure hope you're not forget a person that stood up for you . ( Willow) the show says it has a meet and greet I have to buy tickets to the show for sure they may be more on the expensive side but it's going to be worth it to talk to an old friend there now I just got to buy a plane ticket.

( Jade) now we should really get going before we miss our flight I don't want to do that right (Davey ) yeah sorry about that yeah we should get going thank you for helping me I know I asked for a lot sometimes but I do appreciate all of your guyses friendship and I'm going to try to get better at things . As they all made their way to the airport and went on their flight going to their next destination for their next show but what Davey did not know that that Willow would be at that next show and they might even meet . Willow so booked her flight and made her way to the airport the next following day as she sat in the airplane she thought of everything she would want to tell Davey if he even remembered her if they even got to meet or talk for that long . The band finally made it to their destination as they all got a car to their hotel just as Davey was about to enter his room Jade top 10 because he had just gotten some information about the girl he has been talking about non-stop lately ( Jade) sorry to stop you man I know you want to rest before the show but I got some good news for you. ( Davey) and what is it I mean does it have to do with the girl that I've been talking about ( Jade) that's that exactly I actually found out that she bought tickets to the show so she'll be at Tonight Show I'd only that but she bought meet and greet tickets so you might get to talk to her .

( Davey) and I swear you're a detective if this music thing doesn't work out for you you should be a detective for sure thanks man that's great news did you get her name by any chance ( Jade) actually no I wasn't able to get that but I'm sure at the meeting greet you can ask her that I mean at least you'll get to talk to her. ( Jade) that is what you wanted anyways right I mean wanted to see if you actually knew this girl from back then ( Davey) yes you're right that's what I wanted that's fine thank you I really did help ( Jade) problem anyting I mean that's what friends are for right. ( Davey) yeah thanks man we are friends and whenever you need a favor you know I'm here for you thanks for all the information I think I'm just going to rest up right now before the show got to think about what I'm going to tell this girl or ask her. ( Jade) man I feel you no you go ahead and rest I'm going to do the same I'm sure of the other guys are going to do the same as well but I'll see you at band practice as always as he walks out of Davey room closes the door Davey lays on his bed to rest. He closes his eyes trying his hardest to remember who this girl was he only got one little glimpse of her of course he knew she was there at the show but she never really paid attention until towards the end of the show that she caught his eye but now he knew that somehow he knew her.

( Willow) it was the next day and I have just got it in for my flight a few hours ago it was kind of a long flight but I know this would be worth it I got myself a hotel room in the cheapest hotel I could find since I had spend most of my money on this ticket in the meeting greet and I had to save money for food. ( Willow) as I made my way into my hotel room as I put in the key and open the door I saw that it was a pretty nice hotel room for what I paid for it wasn't anything very glamorous but it be okay for now I'd be only staying here for one day probably plus I was here on a mission and not on getting a good room. ( Willow)  I put my suitcase on the bed as I unzipped it and started unpacking my clothes I put everything in the drawers then I went into the bathroom to freshen up as I put my face to wake up a little bit cuz I had fallen asleep on the airplane I reviewed my concert ticket and meeting greet ticket as well . ( Willow) I decided to look through what I bring to wear at the concert possibly I wanted to look good kind of but I kind of wanted to look recognize to see if he would recognize me I decided on an outfit of a black skirt with fishnet tights that were ripped and Afi t-shirt that I had just bought a couple of days ago. ( Willow) I decided to match up with a flannel and some combat boots I didn't know what I was going to do with my hair yet I would decide tomorrow I decided it was time for me to rest it was pretty late so I put on my pajamas and slumbered off to sleep thinking about what would it be to meet Davey Again .

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