chapter 7 The Mind of Davey

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( Jade ) you have to come out of there you're fine yesterday what's going on now I mean are you having one of your dates I'm here for you man I'm your friend after all talk to me talk to any of us we can cancel the show if you like ( Willow) what's going on what's all the yelling about. ( Hunter ) been trying to get Davey out of that room for a while now he hasn't been wanting to talk to anybody this morning I mean he was perfectly fine yesterday he was all smiles with you for sure and now he doesn't want to go out of that room . ( Willow ) really maybe I should try he was smiling with me yesterday he was perfectly fine after the show he seemed so happy let me try at least as she knocks on the door ( Willow ) hey Davey it's me Willow would you talk to me please. ( Willow) let me only in I mean we can have a talk between me and you or I can talk to you about here whatever it is whatever is going on I can help you I'm here for you like you were here for me please understand that you're not alone door slowly opens . ( Davey) remember only you come in and close the door after you as she enters the room and Davey closes a door right behind her and locks it as he walks along the room with its head down ( Willow) I mean to intrude but what's wrong you were fine yesterday.

( Davey) I don't know I guess I'm just having one of my depressing days there's something I've been holding from you that no one really knows except for one of my bandmates I don't know even if I should tell you I feel embarrassed talk to you about it I don't know if you would judge me if I told you. ( Willow ) Davey you're talking to the person that always gets judged why would I judge you in any way you can tell me I won't tell anyone I'll be between me and you come on aren't we friends after all. ( Davey) friends okay I'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone a while ago I went to go see a doctor and they diagnosed me with depression apparently I get depressed really easily and it has to do mostly with my career which I don't get. ( Willow) I'm sorry to hear that but you want to know a secret I suffer from depression to I have suffered from it since I don't know when it's been a long time since I've gone through this but I'm here for you I know what you're going through. ( Davey) trust me I love what I do but for some reason after it's all done with I get depressed a couple of days or even one day after I don't know what it is sometimes I really don't want to be famous I don't want all the things that come with Fame.

( Willow) I understand but what I also understand is that you love what you do this is your passion and I know you would never quit on the people that are looking up to you I look up to you so what you need to do is just talk to me I'm here for you I can get you through this ( Davey) you're right I would never leave this behind It's My Life. ( Hunter) I sure hope she's making progress we have a show tomorrow and we need to leave pretty soon to the airport to our next destination ( Jade) I'm pretty sure she'll get through to him I mean after all if a guy is like kind of crushing on her or more it's obvious we all see it. ( Willow) and I'm sure he'll do good if you talk to your bandmates all about this not just the one that already knows they all need to know I know it's scary to let people know that you're suffering from something but if you let them know they can help you don't understand. ( Davey) I shouldn't be keeping anything from them they were there for me since the beginning and they are going to be there for me now I shouldn't be scared to tell them but as long as you come with me while I do it I think I would feel more comfortable. ( Willow)Of  course baby what are friends for and just know any other time something like this happens you can come to me it doesn't matter what time or what I'm doing I'm here for you and I know you were there for me back then so it's my turn to do the same you're here for me as well now .

( Davey) I'm sorry that took so long and I had you waiting here I want to apologize for my behavior but it's not my fault really I've been suffering from something that not all of you know about only you know Jade of course Willow because I just told her but you all have a right to know I've been suffering from depression and I was diagnosed not too long ago. ( Davey) suffering alone which I shouldn't have I been keeping it from you because I felt embarrassed about it and I didn't want anyone to feel bad about me or feel bad for me but now that I know that we'll talk to me and she suffers from it as well. ( Davey) I know there's nothing to be ashamed about suffering from this it's a part of me is not a good part of me but it's always going to be a part of me and I don't have to suffer alone it's better to talk to my family about it and that's you guys of course. ( Hunter) Davey you know we're always here for you we're not just your bandmates we're your family and if you're suffering from something you shouldn't be ashamed to keep it a secret if you ever want to talk to any of us we're here for you you don't have to suffer alone with this thing. ( Davey) now I know that I heard it loud and clear from Willow she knows how it feels to feel like this and I'm no longer going to keep it a secret I was even thinking of sharing it with my fence to see if they're suffering from any of it as well so I can help them out.

( Willow) Davey I think that's a great idea that will be so brave of you to share your story about suffering from depression especially with your fans that look up to you they may be suffering a few of them as well and they know that they won't be alone while you share your story. ( Davey) I have my bandmates and you to thank for doing this Brave thing I want to help people out with this I want them to know that I'm there for them and that they shouldn't be a shame that they have depression it's a part of the not a good part but they can get through it just like I am going to. ( Davey) I'm pretty sure we have a flight to catch for an extra let's get going before we miss it I wouldn't miss a show if it meant missing anything at all now that I'm good we can all get going and let's rock that joint like we always do ( Jade) that's the spirit Davey that's the Davey I love. ( Willow) the last show was so amazing that I can't wait for the next show to happen I mean the backstage experience was so amazing that crowd there just so lovable towards you it's like they get every point of you they're connected to you like family. ( Davey) yeah I guess you could say they are my little family but so are all of you including you will owe you made me see that it's not bad to think bad of myself when I'm feeling sad and I want let you know that I will never stop thanking you for doing that for me as he takes her hand and they go to the airport.

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