chapter 4 Afi Roadie

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  ( Davey ) Hey guys can I have your attention I hope you don't mind this but bring a friend along with me I was thinking she could go on tour with us you know it she is a girl I've been talking about ( Jade) don't mind them they're a little bit weird when they're around you people put you're welcome we're going to have a great time. ( Jade) Hey Davey and now that she's getting to know everybody that I can talk to you alone for a little bit it's nothing bad ( Davey) yeah sure I mean what's up man what is it you wanted to talk about ( Jared) I'm off for what's her name again. ( Davey) it's Willow and she has been the girl I've been looking for the girl I knew back in high school so when I've defended I want to get to know her better and I feel like the only way is bringing her on tour with us I hope you guys don't mind I know it's last second and everything. ( Jared) fine if that means so much to you but she can come with us I mean I was just as surprised it came out of nowhere but I'm glad you found what you were looking for you seem even happier already ( Davey) I don't know what it is about her but she makes me happy for some reason .
( Davey) I mean she's changed so much but yet she's still the same kind of person still pretty smart I don't know if I'm noticing it barely right now but she's actually really pretty ( Jared) are you telling me you have crush on her now ( Davey) would it be bad if I do start getting a crush on her.

( Jared) I don't know it depends way you look at it then I mean if you have a crush on her that's fine with me just take it easy and everything make sure she likes you too I'm not saying she doesn't but ( Davey) I'm pretty sure she has something for me like there's something there I mean she took all of this time to look for me . ( Davey) anyways we should get back before I don't want her to think that we're talking about her behind her back right now everything is going to be okay man don't worry about it I think I finally finding my happy place ( Jared) maybe you're right man I'm just worrying too much you know my you're my best friend after all. ( Davey) I know that and I appreciate that more than anything you're always there for me just know that I'm always there for you now let's get back and make her feel at home ( Willow ) I think your friends are finally warming up to me thank you again for doing this you didn't have to. ( Davey) I didn't have to but I wanted to I wanted to get to know you better again I mean after all we kind of have history together not the class of course but just history in general ( Willow ) what you are like one of my personal Heroes for setting up for me so I don't mind. ( Jared) actually we all don't mind over here let me show you where you'll be sleeping I'm sure you're kind of tired I want to get some rest let me grab your things ( Willow ) that's very nice of you it's Davey right ( Jared ) yeah how did you know ( Willow) I did a little bit my research on your guys's been that's how.

( Jade) well I guess that's good to know I mean I see that you and Davey have a lot of history with each other I mean he told me all about you once he remembered you he was going crazy looking for you now I'm glad that he actually found you he told me that he stood up for you when no one did and that's so like him ( Willow) he's pretty much one of the only persons that didn't look at me as just a smart nerd. ( Jade) well this is where I will be staying I hope you'll be comfortable enough I mean you had an extra bed so that  a good thing you can put your stuff up here if you like you can join us in the front again when you're done I'm really glad that you're here. ( Jade) you're making my friend very happy and I really do appreciate that he's been in kind of a slump, let's keep that between me and you okay I mean I'm sure it's in the past now that you're here you should be much happier ( Willow ) oh I didn't know that he was sad or anything could have known. ( Willow) wonder if I should ask him about it or if that would offend him I hope he's okay I'm going to try to make things better for him he was there for me now I'm going to be there for him ( Davey) so is she settling in I hope she's comfortable. ( Jade) I'm pretty sure she is she settling in you know I'm packing her stuff and everything you brought this on her pretty quick but I'm sure she's fine with it I'm just glad to see you happy again ( Davey) yeah I'm actually happy to be glad again to the mopping me was kind of getting on my nerves .

( Davey) hey sorry I came to check up on you to make sure you haven't run off and change her mind about this whole thing I hope you're settling in right and everything just to your comfort ( Willow ) thanks that's very sweet of you your friends are very nice I think they kind of like me now listen I'm glad to be here and if you ever need to talk . ( Davey) I'm glad that you're here too but why would you bring up if I need to talk did my friend tell you anything please don't tell me that he told you that I was depressed before you even came ( Willow) listen it's not his fault it just came out of nowhere don't fault him or get mad at him . ( Willow ) besides the point Davey I'm really trying to say here is that you were there for me when no one was and now I want to be there for you it doesn't matter if you want to admit everything people have feelings everyone even famous people just know that I'm here for you please don't be mad.  ( Davey) embarrassed about this whole thing I didn't want you to think that I was depressed and bored of my career or anything I didn't want you to feel bad for me and feel like you had to be here for me ( Willow ) no I don't have to be here for you but I'm doing it because I want to because you were there for me . ( Willow) Davey there is no shame in having feelings are feeling sad we all have them you should know that coming from a person that had a lot of them you stood up for me when people make fun of me and for that I'm thankful forever for you and now that you need help I'm going to be there for you.

( Davey) thank you I really do appreciate that I mean I stood up for you because people didn't see the goodness and kindness I will still stand and say that they were jealous of you how smart you were smart you probably still are I can see that the looks have changed but you and general have not ( Willow) thank you but I feel like you've changed a lot I mean look at you big time Rockstar. ( Davey) well it's something I've always had a passion for and I'm actually finally living my dream I just had a moment where I kind of really didn't want to do anyting a part of me was sad and lonely even though I had all these people surrounding me loving me for my work. ( Willow) and here I am me the complete opposite not having anybody really put family I don't have much friends still even though I have changed people don't really like to talk to me but you know how you get used to it after a while I stopped trying after a while as well. ( Davey) you know people are stupid they don't get to know you before they're already touching you you know that it's all going to change for now on you got a friend in me for sure and my bandmates for sure like you so you don't have to feel that you're lonely anymore . Davey takes Willow hand in his ( Davey) now shall we go hang out with my bandmates and have them get to know you better so they can like you more than I already do as a post end up and make their way to the front of the bus ( Willow) I know you're something else Davey a very good way as she smiles.

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