chapter 9 Arms of a crow

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( Willow ) last night was full of love and I loved every minute of it I ended up staying at Davies place I woke up in his bed laying on his chest I watched him sleep as I was already awake and he was still asleep he looks so handsome as he slept as weird as that sounded I watched him take Every Breath You Took . ( Willow) he opened his eyes a little bit as he looked at me but they were a close at the same time ( Davey) have you been watching me sleep this whole time I mean it's okay but how long have you been awake already ( Willow) maybe it was but you're even Handsome when you sleep. He fully opens his eyes now as he looks at me removes a strand of hair that was in my face ( Davey) now you're the one that is beautiful here even when you sleep I'm glad that you decided to stay with me tonight I slept way better with you in my arms. ( Willow) of course why would I leave you thought I would just leave after that incredible kiss of course not that's not the way that I work plus I mean how could I not leave you I also do appreciate you for respecting me for not taking it more than kissing. ( Davey) of course the last thing I want to do is disrespect you in any way I don't want to do something you're not ready for I will be here when you're ready for that moment until then I will take things slow with you no matter how long it takes.

( Davey) all that really matters now is that you're here with me and I was hoping to ask you a question and I was hoping that it would be a yes ( Willow) if you're going to ask me if I want to be your girlfriend the answer is absolutely yes of course I would love to but I will ask something in return as well it's nothing big it's just something I prefer. ( Davey) of course anyting go ahead and ask and I will make it come true anything for you ( Willow) would like to keep this relationship between me and you and your bandmates and that's all I don't want to make it public or anything I want to have privacy with our relationship. ( Davey) I was thinking the same thing no one needs to know anything about a relationship except our friends and family and I wanted to enjoy it and it either if you want privacy we will have privacy with this relationship anything to make you smile and happy . ( Willow) thank you I really do appreciate that and you're already making me happy just by being here with me so I don't know how we're going to tell your bandmates I'm pretty sure they have an idea that we liked each other in the beginning so you think they already know. ( Davey) I'm pretty sure that they're waiting on this to happen and now that it has happened they'll be pretty happy for the both of us I'm pretty sure of it maybe we should get up now and tell them ( Willow) let's stay a little bit longer I'm just so comfortable here with you.

( Davey) I was thinking the same thing as long as one condition only as long as he give me some of that sweet sweet sugar ( Willow) you don't even have to ask twice for that now come here as she leans into him and they start to kiss moments later after staying in bed cuddling each other if they decide to get dressed and go tell the band mates about it all . ( Willow) what is it do I have something in and my teeth stuck or a stain on my shirt you keep staring at me so I'm thinking there's something wrong with me ( Davey) no there's absolutely nothing wrong with you you're just so beautiful that's why I keep staring and I can't believe that I'm with you now . ( Willow) well same thing goes for you now come here handsome and give me some of that sugar as they once again kiss and keep kissing ( Davey) no I'm never going to get tired of kissing you but we really should get going I mean the guys are probably wondering where we are and you should give him the great news. ( Willow) you're right I'm sorry that I keep getting distracted by your handsome face but we should get going we can do a lot of more kissing later on as Davey takes Willows hand in hers and they head out of the room as they lock the door behind them they walked hand-in-hand. ( Jade) here they come took them long enough are they holding hands did it finally happen or they together now maybe we should ask them ( Hunter ) pretty sure that they're together now I knew that was going to happen maybe we should just wait for them to tell us the news even though it's clearly there.

( Davey ) hey guys sorry we're late but we do have some great news for you me and Willow while we're together now I don't know if it was obvious to you guys but we've liked each other since the beginning and now well we've actually Express her feelings to each other so we're together now isn't that right Willow ( Willow) car how could I not stay away from this handsome One . ( Jade ) we were pretty sure this was going to happen it was obvious you guys had feelings for each other but we're happy for you now that it's obvious out in the open now we're kind of wondering when it was going to happen but it's obvious that now you guys are together we're happy for you. ( Davey) thanks guys I really do appreciate that you approve of this Willow very important to me now and she's going to be hanging around with us even more now and I'm glad that you guys like her that is also important that you like her as well but I'm quite sure that that's not a problem. ( Hunter ) of course how could we not like Willow she's creative and smart and plus you makes you happy that's a bonus but we really should be getting to band practice now we have a big show to play later on today but I am very happy that you're happy now that you're both happy. ( Davey) but we do appreciate if you do one thing for us we want to keep this private I mean it's between us only we want a private relationship we don't want it out there for the world to see we want to have our privacy and I'm pretty sure you understand and will keep this between all of us.

( Jade) forget that we won't be telling anybody I won't be making sure that no one finds out about this that's not supposed to know we understand that people need their privacy especially when it comes to being famous like this we'll keep it between us we won't tell anybody else. ( Willow) two guys I really do appreciate that I do like to be private with stuff like this and I appreciate that you guys understand I'm really looking forward to becoming more of a family with you guys I see that you're very important to Davy and now you are important to me . ( Hunter ) yeah I guess you are family but you already knew that you were family since the beginning but now that you're with our buddy here and he's like totally in love with you for sure then we're sure you're part of the family now and will be there for you both. ( Davey) now let's get to band practice and give those people a show that they'll never forget as always and now that I have my lucky charm will be even better you'll be cheering me on of course right ( Willow) of course you beautiful handsome man you know I'm your number one fan always have been . ( Jade ) yeah I'm pretty sure will rock out this stage today I mean we always do a great job at Rock in that crowd and they love us all especially you Davey you get the crowd riled up and I'll happy they seem to follow everything that you say ( Davey) I'm happy to do it but they don't love me they love the band they love us.

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