chapter 10 dark loving

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( Davey)  it was great finally having someone by my side not that I didn't have my bandmates but Willow understood me in a whole different level that they did it she always gave me love and I always gave it in return for sure she was always there for me when I had my down days. ( Willow) you know what I've been thinking maybe it was destiny that we met again I mean we have history together not literally like history class but you know what I mean you defended me all back those years when I was in high school and no one would actually send up for me. ( Davey) I defended you because I knew that was no way to treat a person no one deserves to be treated like that I mean no one and you were creative and smart they just didn't understand you and I kind of got you in a way. ( Willow) I somehow knew that you were kind of like me he were different even though you were more popular than me I kind of sense that you were lonely somehow missing something but I never really wanted to mention it and I just left it alone. ( Davey) well I guess you were right what I was missing was you in my life and now I'm so happy that you're in it you're always here for me when I have my days of sadness you always cheer me up in every way and I'm glad that you are here now .

( Jade) I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt anything but we have an interview around 5 so we should get going to the place where the interview is going to be I'm you can come along too well oh I mean I'm sure they don't mind.  ( Willow) I would love to but I don't want them to get suspicious about me dating Davey not that I don't want them to know but we kind of want to keep it a secret you know you don't want people to get into our relationship our business. ( Jade) yeah I totally get that I mean everybody needs her privacy expecially more when you're famous but we won't take too long and then we'll come back and maybe we should go out to eat just for the fun of it. ( Willow ) yeah that sounds like a plan sounds fun I could always use some food ( Jade) I'll see you in 10 minutes in the car then Davey will be waiting for you no rush or anyting ( Davey ) yeah I'll be there in a little bit just give me some time to get ready. ( Davey) I really do agree with this whole privacy relationship they don't let's not that they don't have the right to know but we don't have to tell them they seem to get to everyone's business when they find out two people are dating.

( Willow ) maybe someday we'll tell him but for now I just want to keep it between you and me ( Davey) I understand I'm ready to tell them when you are but there's no rush but anyways I do have an interview to go to as much as I want to stay here in bed and cuddle with you. ( Willow) don't worry I understand they'll be plenty of time for that after and many other days as well that you go to that interview I'll be here waiting as always ( Davey) okay just after one thing after you give me one of those sweet kisses of yours. ( Willow) oh you don't even have to ask come here it'll be a good luck kiss not that you'll need it you always do terrific in interviews has a kiss for a while then Davey let's go over him as he walks out of the room and Willow already misses him after he's been only gone for a couple of seconds. ( Willow ) guess who ( Davey) I wonder who this person is that is covering my eyes with such soft hands I will never find out who it is but she sure has soft hands I think it's a girl I think it might be my girlfriend . ( Willow) now that's not fair you know me too well even the texture of my hands so how did the interview go by the way did they ask you anything weird I know how those interviews can be sometimes I'm sure if he did ask you something weird you could handle it.

( Davey) actually believe it or not they did ask me one thing that I can expect for them to ask me will they hadn't asked me for a while I asked me about my dating life and of course I said nothing I didn't want to comment on it because it's none of their business this is between me and you and our family. ( Willow ) that is so nice of you who you think they're starting to be suspicious about you dating someone you think it's about time that we tell them ( Davey) not yet I have the perfect timing went to tell them and I'm sure you'll agree about it don't worry. ( Willow) I'm pretty sure you do I trust you with everything so I'll go along with it I guess I have to I'm joking of course now come here you were gone for a whole two hours and I was bored out of my mind and I missed you. ( Davey) shall we make up for that time that was lost as he picks up Willow and takes her to his bedroom or their bedroom or slightly and I think we know what happens from there I don't need to give any details. ( the next day ) ( Davey) guys I brought you here because I need to tell you something and Willow is not here because it's kind of a surprise for her I was thinking I mean me and Willow have only been together for a month or two but she makes me very happy.

( Jade) yeah man we can tell and we're really happy for you we like her a lot she's very funny and cool so what's the big news ( Davey) well guys I'm thinking of asking will load to marry me I don't haven't set a date for the wedding yet but I'm thinking to propose to her what do you guys think I just want your opinion. ( Hunter ) are you kidding me man you should totally do it we're so happy for you you want you both to be happy and we see it already so as you guys getting married that's even better she's already part of the family man does make it official now. ( Jade ) yeah but he said we all agree for you to do this she'll be very happy she loves you very much we can see it don't get see that you love and care for her very much so you just go ahead and do it ( Davey) guys I really do appreciate you backing me up on this. ( Davey) and I found of a perfect way to do it I was thinking I'd Tonight Show in the beginning of the show we should do it I will say that I will watch bring with on stage and introduce her to everyone I let her know what she is my girlfriend and from there I'll propose to her. ( Jade) that's perfect man and will for sure help you with it all she's going to love it can we see the ring by the way ( Davey) yeah sure here it is it was kind of hard for me to buy it with Willow not by my side but I think she'll like it's more Her Style.

( Hunter) man that's beautiful yeah she'll like it for sure so let's get ready for tonight it's going to be even more special night ( Davey) this wasn't like any other ordinary show I was a little bit nervous for proposing and everything but I thought I would do it cuz I was going to do it either way. ( Davey) I didn't know if Willow was suspicious but I was hoping she wasn't I told her that I had something I wanted to tell her later on before the show but that's all I really said I told her that it will be something she would like.  ( Davey) you got to the venue and the show started as usual and Willow give me a good luck kiss as I went onstage but minutes later I grab the microphone and started talking ( Davey) guys I'm so glad you're all here I have mad love for all of you and thank you for supporting us . ( Davey) but there's someone very special I want to introduce you to her been  keeping her head and because she's the love of my life Willow my girlfriend will you come on stage ( Willow) I was nervous about surprised they were calling me on stage but I went onstage anyways wondering what was going on . ( Davey) and she beautiful guys say hi Willow ( Willow) I managed to get out a nervous hi to the whole crowd who cheered and cheered on ( Davey) now Willow you make me very happy and you know me like no one else does that's why I brought you on stage not to just introduce you to my other family.

( Davey) to ask you one simple question in front of this other second family of mine and Davey  got on his knees and took out a box out of his pocket and opened it Willow was already tearing up before he asked anything then he said those simple words ( Davey) will you give me the honor to spend my rest of my life with you by marrying me. Crowd cheered them on as Willow finally managed to get out some words after all the cry and she was already doing.  ( Willow) of course you know I will as she said it through her tears and they kissed and hugged and the crowd went crazy has he put on the ring and they hugged againDavey Willow ended up wanting to have a winter kind of wedding it was more their style there was a lot of black in the wedding but none of the people really mind.  They understood their style there was a lot of people their family and your family as well all that matter is that they were happy now I guess you can say that's what happens when a raven meets a dove.

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