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The bus slows to a stop and I feel Minho's light touch shake me awake.

"Hey, Jisungie. Isn't this your stop?"

"Hmm? No, mine is the next one." I say, rubbing my eyes. "Thanks for waking me up to ask though."

"No problem. But did you actually just let me get away with calling you 'Jisungie'?" Minho asks.

"Hey! I was still waking up." I hit him on the arm. "And don't call me that."

Minho giggles and hits me back. Either I'm really weak, or it hurt a little more than I had initially expected. It's worth it though. I still get to see his smile.

The bus pulls to a stop once more, this time being my stop. I wave goodbye to Minho and hop down the metal stairs of the bus.

I walk a short distance from the bus to my house and notice that the lights are on. Mom must be home. I go inside and the heavenly smell of chocolate cookies fills the air.

"Hey, Jisung!" I hear my mom call from the kitchen. I step inside and she wipes her hands on a towel before giving me a hug. "You want some cookies? They're fresh out of the oven."

"Thanks, mom." I smile as I take one off of the tray.

"Hey. Don't forget to use a plate. I better not see any crumbs up there." she says as she hands me a paper plate to put the cookie on. I thank her again and go upstairs to my room to hide away from sunlight once more.

Before starting my homework, I take the time to do a recap of my hectic day. Everything from getting scolded by the bus driver to waving goodbye to Minho after sleeping on his shoulder for almost ten minutes.

It takes me a couple seconds to process that I slept on Minho's shoulder. I thought I wasn't supposed to get too close to him! I didn't decide on this. Becoming the "best of friends" or whatever was NOT the agreement that I made with myself.

You know what? That's it. I've given up on desperately trying to avoid it. I can't believe I'm saying this but...

I like Lee Minho.

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