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"Breathe, just breathe." I say to both myself and the boy next to me. The two of us have a hard time doing so, but we still try.

Once I sense that he might be ready, I lift my head off of Minho's shoulder and speak up, "You don't have to say it just yet, but I need to know. Why did you bully me?"

Minho takes a few more deep breaths and says, "If you want me to be honest, I'm not entirely sure." His eyes sparkle from the tears.

He continues, "I guess I wasn't having the best life at that time and was too young to stop and think that maybe you didn't either. In fact, I used to think that you had a great life. Perfect, even." That last sentence startles me.

"That was no where close to the truth." I tell him, befuddled.

"I know... But I didn't at the time and was jealous so I guess I used you as some sort of punching bag for my emotions."

I nod my head as Minho talks, listening to every little sound he exhales. "Why was your life considered 'bad' if you don't mind me asking?"

"You deserve the right to know." Minho says, "I wasn't in a good place at that age. My mom passed away so I had to live with my dad. Whenever I got home, or crossed his path, for that matter, he would beat or yell at me for unreasonable things."

"So your dad abused you?"

"Yeah. I kinda took note of what he did and used it to make your life as hellish as mine." Tears start flowing out of Minho's eyes again as I start to understand the big picture.

"Hey, hey," I say, grabbing onto his hands. "I actually went through the same thing."

Minho sniffles and wipes his face to look at me. "Really?"

"Yeah. Look, I've only really told this to Felix, but when I was in middle school, my mother was not the healthiest person. She was an alcoholic. She would hit and yell at me so I ended up getting moved out of that house. Now, I live under a more loving roof and am genuinely happier."

Minho takes in those last words and stares at the floor, a simple hum coming from his mouth.

"What is it?" I ask, placing my hand on his folded knee. Minho looks up towards me again.

"I- uh- guess we have a lot more in common than I thought."

"I guess so."

Minho looks me in the eyes, causing me to turn my head away. The light touch from Minho's hand tilts my head to face his own.

Our eyes lock.

Minho pulls me in and leans to the side. His eyes close and mine do too, soon after.

In that moment,

That magical moment,

I feel his soft lips press gently against my own. Every emotion ever imagined fell over me in that beautiful moment.

And in that moment,

That regretful moment,

I realise that I don't like Minho.

I've fallen for him.

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