"Risky" Rituals (G)

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Summary: Barry's new morning rituals are very lively. Today, you want in on the fun.

A/N: S04E02


It's seven in the morning and the living room's sound system starts blaring the opening tune to Old Time Rock and Roll.

This again.

It's part of Barry's new morning ritual. First, he gets up and dances like Tom Cruise in his underwear and white socks for a bit. Then, he cooks every conceivable breakfast food item while at the same time fetching two piping hot coffees from Jitters. Normally he brings a platter for you in bed, but this morning, you're already up and spying on his killer moves.

You start to wonder how many times Barry has watched Risky Business. His performance is spot on.

Maybe today he'd care for a partner?

You sneak up to the sound system and replay the song from the beginning. At the first opening piano notes, you make your entrance, sliding into the wide open room on your socks. You manage to steal the spatula from Barry, who turns in surprise as you mimic his performance and lip sync along to the song. Moving closer to him, you sway your hips, which when close enough, he places his hands on them. You're also only clad in your underwear and one of Barry's shirts. He grins at the sight of you like this and happily rocks around the room with you. When the song finally ends, Barry kisses you good morning.

"Damn, (Y/N), you're giving me a run for my money!"

"I don't think so, babe," you say. "No one moves like you do." Barry gives you a twirl.

"Pancakes or waffles?"

You giggle. "Why choose?"

"I like the way you think."

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