Goodbye, (C)old Friend (G)

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Summary: You say goodbye to ally and friend Leo Snart before he returns to Earth-X.

A/N: S04E19


"(Y/N)!" Leo Snart addresses you in his goodbyes, "I'm going to miss your gung-ho attitude. You're a real firecracker."

"I appreciate that," you reply, then hold a hand out for him to shake.

"Uh-uh-uh, don't you remember, (Y/N)? Ol' Leo's a hugger." You hug your Earth-X ally, eliciting a chuckle from you. You still can't get over how different he is from his Earth-1 doppelganger.

"Now, you take good care of my pal Barry, here," Leo whispers to you, "He's gonna need a shoulder to cry manly tears on." You catch Barry's gaze during the hug, a small smile barely present on his face.

"I will, Leo," you promise, "and thanks again for everything."

"What're friends for?"

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