Movie Homework (G)

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Summary: Earth-2 doesn't have The Princess Bride, so you make it your mission to sit Harry down and have him watch it with you.

A/N: S04E04


"You've never seen The Princess Bride?!"

Harry merely shrugs at your shock. "There's no such thing on Earth-Two."

"Okay, grab the blankets," you order. "We have important work to get to."

"More important than finding the people on the bus affected by dark matter?"

You pause to think about it for a second.

"Arguably, yes."

"I don't think-" Harry starts to reject the idea, but after seeing the deadpanned look on your face, he says, "Yes, dear."

You smile to yourself setting up the movie, then cuddle up to Harry under the cozy blankets on your couch.

"Hare, you are in for a treat." Your adorably grumpy boyfriend pulls you close until you're resting comfortably against his chest.

"Hmm, we'll see about that..."


The end credits begin to roll and you let out a satisfied sigh. This movie never gets old. You tilt your head up to look at your Harry, to see his reaction to the ending. His face is neutral, but you shouldn't be too surprised at this.

"So? What'd you think?" Harry looks down at your expectant expression, waiting for his answer.

"It was... an enjoyable comedic film."

"And romantic?"

Harry makes a non-committal noise: "Mmm."

I'll take it.

"Well, you've seen it now. That's all that matters." You lean in to give him a quick kiss and tug at his arm. "Okay, let's go to bed."

"As you wish."

You don't mean to gasp at his unexpected reference, but it happens anyway.

Oh, he so loved it.

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