Guys Night Out (T)

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A/N: So in this post, I have 2 Harry x Reader stories inspired by S04E05. One features the (apparently) canon sober!Harry, while the second story features drunk!Harry.


Guys Night Out (Version 1)

Summary: Harry claims his time out with the guys was uneventful. You don't believe that for a second.


"So, how was your night?"

Harry plunks himself down on the couch tiredly next to you. "Oh, you know, uneventful."

He's hiding something. Has there really ever been such thing as an uneventful bachelor party?

"C'mon, tell me all about it. Iris texted me a little while ago saying Barry came back totally hammered. I didn't even think that was possible..."

Harry laughs a little to himself.

"Yeah, that was pretty funny."

"Okay, so you guys had drinks. Did you go to a bar?"

"Mmm, not exactly."

And then it hits you. Where do men classically go to spend their bachelor parties?

"You went to a strip club, didn't you?" You didn't mean to sound accusatory or for your voice to go up that high. Harry scratches the back of his neck and crosses his leg over his knee. The tell-tale sign of his guiltiness.

"Well, yeah. But I didn't enjoy it."

"Oh, really?"

"No, ma'am."

"All those half-naked ladies dancing around provocatively? You didn't enjoy that?"


"Not even one little wish one of them would give you a lap dance?"

"No. Their lap dances were expensive."

You gasp.

"Kidding." Harry chuckles and wraps his arms around you, pulling you close. "There's only one special lady I'd want to give me a lap dance."

You bring his face down to yours and kiss his smirking lips.

"Play your cards right, Mister, and you just might get lucky." He seems to like that.

"So, how was your night with the ladies?" Harry finally asks.

"Oh, you know, uneventful."


Guys Night Out (Version 2)

Summary: Harry comes back home from the bachelor party acting very much unlike himself...


You were already asleep in bed when you hear Harry finally come home. It's the middle of the night and you're actually surprised he has stayed up this late with the guys. It's so very unlike him.

They must have had a blast.

A loud crash comes from the living room. Your flower vase senses are tingling. Opening the door slowly, you peek out to see Harry shushing the broken vase on the floor and trying not to laugh at himself.

"Harry? Hi, sweetie, did you have a good time?"

"It was terrible!" he says with a laugh-snort. "Disney showed up and-"


"Yes, Disney, and he made us go to some golden behind place with terrible lighting where women were dancing around on poles-"

"Wait, let me get this straight. Dibny crashed the party and took you to the Golden Booty? The strip club downtown?"

He nods innocently and his big blue eyes twinkle in the light from the lamp you left on for him. Then suddenly, Harry bursts into a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny?" You've never seen this side of him!

"Pfffft, nothing!"

"What on Earth did you drink? It can't be regular old brandy?"

He shakes his head. "Barry's special concoction."

Iris had texted you about what Cisco had made for Barry, who had supposedly turned into a weeping and slurring sad drunk after he drank some of the engineered liquid. Apparently, it has turned Harry into a ridiculous, giggling drunk.

"You need to sleep this off," you tell Harry, ushering him to the bedroom. His uncontrollable laughter becomes contagious as you join him in laughing at absolutely nothing. "Let's get you into bed, you party animal."

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