Convincing (G)

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Summary: As much as it scares you too, you try to convince Cisco to help Harry with his Thinking Cap.

A/N: S04E16


"Cisco, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, (Y/N), what's up?"

You pull the mechanical engineer aside and into the empty Speed Lab. He's not going to like what you have to say, but you need to tell him.

"Okay, just don't yell at me," you ask of him. Cisco raises an eyebrow.

"Oh no, no, no-" he starts, "I know what you're going to ask-"

"Cisco, please, you need to help Harry with this Thinking Cap."

"I would have thought you'd be against this ridiculousness more than I am," Cisco replies confusedly, "I mean, have you seen Spider-Man 2?"

"Of course, I've seen Spider-Man 2! Don't you know who you're talking to?" Your voice goes up an octave in frustration and you shake your head at realizing you're getting off track. "Listen, I'm worried just as much as you are. I don't want this thing to turn him into a monster-"

"-More so than-"

"-Or fry his brain and kill him! You think that's what I want?" Okay, settle down, you tell yourself. Think calming thoughts. "But... I trust Harry. He's adamant that the math and chemistry check out and as much as I'm scared to death about the potential outcomes, I believe we really do have a chance. And we have an even better one with you helping him and monitoring him. You guys are kind of unstoppable, you know."

Cisco's tiny smile betrays him. "Yeah..." he says.

"So...?" you press him.

"Fine. I'll help your salty-ass boyfriend with his Death Cap."

"He prefers Intelligence Booster, actually," you correct. Cisco visibly cringes.

"Ugh, is he married to that one?" he wonders. You laugh and go in to hug your friend. "You're lucky you're great at convincing."

"I know."

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