Stay With Me (T)

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Summary: You may drink a little too much at the West-Allen rehearsal dinner and Harry must escort you home.

A/N: S04E08


Barry and Iris' rehearsal dinner is going fabulously.

You're getting to hang out with old friends you haven't seen in forever and meet some really great new people! Like right now, you're tossing back (more than) a few drinks, trying to keep up with Sara Lance and Alex Danvers. These ladies mean business. And boy, are they fun!

You try to remember the last time you've drank this much, but come to the conclusion you've never drank this much. You've never laughed this much either!

Your friend and teammate, Harry, comes over and takes the champagne flute away from you and sets it down far away. You make a pouty face.

"I think you've had quite enough for one night," he says.

"I think you haven't had enough!" you reply a little too loudly. His lips curl up, clearly finding something humorous about what you've said.

"Come on, let's get you into bed."

You snicker drunkenly at his words. "Okay, Harry, take me to bed! Ahahaha!"

Harry shakes his head and smiles a little, helping you exit Jitters. All the way back to your apartment, he nods and replies in the correct spots he should at your drunken rambling. What a good man. Even inside, he helps you get into bed and takes off your heels. Your eyes fixate on this one little strand of his hair dangling down in front of his forehead. It bobs a little when he moves.

"God, he's so cute."

Shit. Did I say that out loud?

"Heh..." he laughs. "I, uh, suppose you can handle the rest," he says. "Sleep well. You'll need to be up and at 'em for the big day tomorrow."

Harry turns to leave, but you grab his wrist and pull him back. When he turns to meet your face, you suddenly have tears in your eyes.

"Harry, will I ever find love like Barry and Iris?"

Concern floods his face. "Of course, you will, (Y/N)... But a lot of the time, it finds you."

Your brain is too muddled to even try to analyze his words for a possible hidden meaning.

"Can you... stay with me, tonight?"

"Anything for you."

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