Purple Hue

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Memories of you and me
Times you swept me off my feet
These feelings in poetry
Quietly, from you I'll keep.

I remember waking up at dawn
Peering out the window at the purple hue
I've never felt so free, so warm
Until I was lying on that tiny couch with you

Soft waves,
dark sky
Warm sand,
we lie

Can you hear?
the song of the sea
When you walked over
And stood beside me

Your heart
was all I heard
Like a little love bird

You told me you love me
Those three words
I could not utter
So instead I showed you
In other ways
How you made my heart flutter

You held my hand
and took me under your wing
Taught me ways
Of good life living

Slipped from your grip
I ran wild, thinking
that you'd always be here
when I need leaning

It was only until you walked away that I ran
Right into your arms believing
your heart was somewhere I could go back, winning

Where are you?
Why won't you call?
You just let go
And let me fall

Into the darkness
You left me alone
Now I walk the streets
All on my own

Do you ever wonder
What happened to me 
Or did my absence made you
Happy, to be finally free

I don't wanna argue
I don't wanna fight
I just wanna spend the time I
have left with you
And make everything all right

Because before you know it
I will be gone
And you'll finally see bright blue skies
After this storm

You will never again
Feel the warmth of my hug
Bury these memories
In the hole you so deeply dug

You won't ever
Taste love on my tongue
And I won't anymore
Assume shotgun

Look at the time
It has long been up
I was still trying
To fill that broken cup

We kept stalling
Apart was how we were falling
He and I, we both knew
That we struggled hard to stay true

So let me lay here
Just one more time
And I'll write you
With my aching heart
One last rhyme

Carelessly and recklessly
we let this love unfold
Parting ways
  we were once in deep sorrow
But you moved on so quickly
with bright hopes of tomorrow

Now what's left
is just one broken soul
when you told me
that it was time for me to go.

Sometimes, I still wear your t shirt
So glad that we're through
Sometimes I just sit there and wonder
Why couldn't it be you

Because What moved on
in the three years
that I was supposed to
was clearly not me
it was you

Dark December
Flashes of memories with you
Was all I would remember

January rain
Woke up one morning
No longer feeling the pain

February air
Freedom was something
I thought I could finally declare

I woke up early one morning
I wanted to catch the sunrise
I had missed the purple hue
I pulled open the curtains, only to realize
that I was still in love with you

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