Holiday Party

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I walk through the front doors of the hospital, my arms full of boxes packed with various goodies for their annual Christmas party. Normally I don't make deliveries myself, but Denny had a check-up today and I promised to meet him after.

I smile as I see him waiting for me in the lobby. He smiles back and comes to help me.

Before he can even say hello, I'm anxiously asking, "Are you all right?" He hasn't had any problems since his heart transplant, but the thought always lingers in the back of my mind.

"Aw, honey," he replies, taking everything from me and setting it all down on one of the chairs in the waiting room so he can pull me into his arms. "I'm fine, sweetheart. I don't want you to be stressed about this; you have enough to worry about."

I nestle into his warmth, resting my head on his chest. "I just want you to be okay," I murmur. "I can't stand the thought of losing you."

He presses his lips to my forehead and squeezes me tighter. "You're not going to lose me. I promise." I feel him look up and he slowly turns me to face the stairs. "You want confirmation from the man himself?" He waves. "Dr. Burke!"

A tall man in a white coat raises his hand in greeting, making his way over to us. "Denny Duquette," he says, smiling and shaking Denny's hand. "How are you doing?"

"You'd know if you ever came to see me during my visits," Denny quips.

Dr. Burke laughs. "Well, from everything I've heard, you don't need me to see you, Denny. You know they only call me when things get bad." His voice is light.

Denny squeezes my shoulder. "Will you tell my girl that?" he requests. "She's worried sick every time I come in." He winks down at me, but I can tell he really is concerned. "This is Robin Ballard. We just moved in together." He sounds so happy and proud, and I can't help the blush that spreads across my cheeks.

"Then congratulations are in order." Dr. Burke reaches out to shake my hand. After a moment, he tilts his head curiously. "Ballard?" he wonders. "As in Ballard's Bakery?"

I nod. "Yes, that's right. It's so nice to meet you, Dr. Burke. Thank you for everything you did for Denny."

"It was my pleasure," he replies warmly. "I've had several items from your bakery, and all of them were delicious."

I dip my head shyly. Denny is beaming beside me; he knows how I feel when people praise my business. "She's the greatest," he exclaims. "Lucky for me, she likes goofballs with formerly bum tickers."

"It's a hard type to find," I joke. "I had to take a chance on him." Dr. Burke chuckles as I continue. "Thank you very much for the kind compliment, Dr. Burke. I'm here bringing a few things up to your Christmas party, actually."

"Well, let me help you," he offers chivalrously. He and Denny pick up all of the boxes and Dr. Burke leads us to a room that's clearly decked out for the holidays. I open the door for everyone and we slip inside.

Denny is welcomed affectionately as I busy myself setting everything out; Dr. Burke helps me. "You don't have to do that, you know," I tell him. "It's my job, after all."

"Nonsense," he responds, and then pauses. "You obviously make him very happy," he points out. "I've never seen him smile like that before, and I gave the man a new heart."

I blush. "I hope I do," I admit softly, turning to look over my shoulder. Denny is surrounded by people, and I turn fully to look at him when he gestures to me. He steps forward, grabbing my hand and pulling me to him. Everyone cheers and I know I'm bright red; normally, I would be even more embarrassed, but Denny is so giddy that it's hard to care.

"Kiss her!" someone yells. I hide my face in his scarf; he bends and puts his mouth to my ear.

"We're under mistletoe," he teases. "It's bad luck if we don't."

I tip my head up to look into his big hazel eyes; they're sparkling with glee. "You made that up," I whisper.

He raises his eyebrows. "Maybe I did," he confesses. "Either way, we shouldn't risk it."

He frames my face in his big hands and presses his lips to mine.

I sigh, clinging to him, letting him kiss me breathless.

The party erupts into excited shouts around us and he kisses me even harder. I can feel his heart beating; it's steady and strong.

When he finally pulls away, he gives me a dazzling grin. "Let's go home." He turns and slings an arm over my shoulders, giving everybody a little wave goodbye. I wave too, my cheeks still red.

As we walk through the doors of the lobby, I see that it's started to snow. Denny stops, turning to face me. He's biting his lip.

"I hope that wasn't too much," he apologizes worriedly. "They like to see their patients doing well, and I was here for so long..."

He trails off and I stare up at him happily. "You're really all right."

Denny nods, bending down so his forehead is pressed against mine. "I really am, Robin," he answers sincerely. "And I love you," he adds softly before kissing me again.

"I love you, Denny," I reply, melting against him as I kiss him back.

The snow falls around us in cold whorls, but I am entirely warm.

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