Ice Skating

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Denny tightens the laces on my skate. "You're ready!" he excitedly exclaims. I glance at the ice nervously.

"Are you sure?" I ask as he helps me to my feet. He puts one arm around my waist and guides me to the edge of the rink.

"Trust me, babe," he assures me. I nod. We slip carefully out onto the smooth surface and I grab him as my feet slide. His big, strong hands keep me upright. "Slowly," he cautions, keeping us close to the wall just in case.

"Don't let me fall," I whisper. Denny stops, leaning over to kiss my nose.

"You know I would never," he promises.

We make it around once without incident, but on our second lap, my foot goes rogue, tangling with his, and we both crash to the ground. Denny takes the brunt of the fall, cushioning me against him.

For a moment, I'm worried, and I twist to ask him if he's okay, but before I can, he's laughing. He sits up, pulling me between his legs and letting my back rest against his chest. "Ouch," I murmur. He chuckles, pressing his lips to my cheek.

"It's not your first time ice skating if you don't fall," he tells me, shrugging genially.

"I'm not telling you I've never done something ever again," I grumble. His arms tighten around me and he tips my head back. His face is anxious.

"Are you really upset, honey?" I smile up at him and he rolls his eyes. "Oh, I get it. You're just trying to make me feel bad so I suck up to you later."

I reach up, grasping the edge of the wall so I can get back on my feet. Once I'm there, I hold out my hand for him, helping him to his feet too. I turn carefully, using my arms to keep my balance, and then pull him into a hug, my chin resting on his chest.

Denny leans down, kissing me softly. "Sorry I let you fall," he says.

"You helped me back up," I point out, then wrinkle my nose. "My butt's cold, though. And probably bruised."

He grins and kisses me again. "I'll give it a very thorough inspection later just to be safe," he winks.

"Oh, will you?" I reply lightly. He nods and kisses me a third time. I'm getting light-headed, but I still manage to joke, "You can't kiss me into submission, Duquette."

"Yes, I can," he states firmly, pressing me against the wall and slipping his tongue into my mouth eagerly. I whimper. "See?" he rumbles, his hips digging into mine.

"Maybe we should put some ice on that," I gasp as his erection brushes against my thigh.

"I think heat will be much more effective," he counters, twisting our hands together. "Come on," he urges. "Let's go home."

Later, in bed, we lie on our sides facing each other. His arms are around me and my leg is slung over his thigh, and we're both breathing hard.

"See? Heat was much more effective," he pants. I cup his face in both hands and kiss him tenderly.

"Thank you for taking me ice skating, Denny."

"I thought you didn't like it," he admits quietly. I laugh and kiss his nose.

"I loved it, silly." My hand drops to his chest and I stroke my fingers through the dark curls of hair there. "I love everything as long as I'm with you."

"Aw," he coos teasingly, but I can see how happy the comment makes him.

"I love you, Denny," I whisper, kissing his chest before resting my cheek against it and closing my eyes. He's so warm, and I feel so safe in his arms.

He turns his head and kisses the spot on my finger just below my engagement ring. "I love you, Robin."

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