In search of something profound

7 3 1

the poet in me sleeps

a restless slumber

as the night falls into rhythm of my

eyeballs frying

in unshed tears.


do night always seem


and dangerous


deeply embarrassing

yet sometimes

surprisingly soothing.

the lady in red

pumps more screams

into silence

as sun roars

sending tremor of spilled yolk

all over horizon.

in wrinkled bed

lay I

a clot

of poison

and ambiguity.

but hopes

never die in monochrome

as the life evaporates

colour from vision

hope paints

something bright to the surface

naked at times

but a blessing at the right time.


The full stops are the beginning of another vignette. Or another realm. Read at your imagination as there are no punctuation marks. There is a lot of meaning in this poem and I am happy about it, tbh. Which I am not on most of my poems. Very well then.   

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