...into the deep...

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huddled up in my own thoughts,
my body allergic to sunlight,
and brackish beads burning brightly
up my brows;
I miss wakeup call.

and burn
inside pretentious bubble of
faking okay.

stars ignite religiously
in moonless skies,
and if she arrives in glamour,
few dots diligently-
call me
from stupor.

blanketed by branches of
thousand temperaments;
I fold myself into
a cocoon,
ready to sprout razors
and bleed myself into epiphany.

salt crusted cheeks
caress dusty window sill;
you get the beat
of silent moans and billowing storms
inside diluted eyes.

and the world
fell down in my palms,
unable to lift my lashes
from glueing once again.

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