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"i'm always curious of what have you been storing inside of the empty brain of yours."

he broke the silence of our walk.

really, i just glared at him.

"what?" he asks.

"well i don't know either, let's just eat?" i then grabbed him to the nearest food stalls.

"how'd i eat?" he asked again.

"oh for glory's sake, forget it, just let me eat i'm hungry." i pushed him aside.

until he clutched onto his chest as if he was in pain, a great pain.

"h-hyurin, a-ah." he squinted his eyes.

what is it?

"haechan, are you okay?" i tried helping him stand straight, what's happening to him? well whatever pains him now, pains me too.

"hey answer me, what's wrong?" i then tried easing his pain by caressing him carefully.

we started walking, forgetting the food that i ordered, whatever matters now is him, he's hurt.

we reached home and i let him rest by the sofa. i put my backpack down on the floor and sat beside him.

"hey come on what's wrong? tell me." i shook him gently.

"i-it's okay, it's okay, i'm fine." he held my hands as he stopped from groaning.

"you looked hurt! and you were groaning out of it! now you're telling me that you're okay?" i yelled, not noticing the tears that were forming at the corner of my eyes.

"aish, stop overreacting okay? it's just a quick sting." he sighed.

i shook my head and stood up, headed the kitchen for something but to only notice a note on the fridge.

"hyurin-ah, i wouldn't be coming home this afternoon and evening, i know it's really a bad timing because today is your father's 1st death anniversary, but you can visit him by yourself right? buy him flowers hyurin, also candles, you know what to do, i'm sorry this is just all about business matters i hope you and your father would understand, hmm?  - eomma"

it's my father's death anniversary today yet i forgot it, the day's ending, but i don't want to disappoint both of mom and dad.

i went back to the living room and saw haechan playing with my phone, "ya, i'm going to the cemetery, are you coming?" i took his attention.

"cemetery? isn't that the place where dead people goes?" he asks with full curiousness.

"yeah, i'm going to visit dad, so.. are you going with me?" i asked once more.

"i'm coming, i told you i would be with you wherever you are." i smiled and handed me my phone.

after we get into a taxi, we bought candles and flowers first before headed the cemetery.

"i have a bad feeling here.." he mumbled beside me and stumbled close.

"what? are you scared of them? a ghost scared of ghosts huh?" i chuckled at him.

"i'm not kidding! i told you i am not a ghost! but isn't it normal to get scared of all of the dead bodies below this ground that we're walking in? jeez." he really looked scared, odd but cute, far from the one that was in pain before.

"we're here." i stopped my tracks in front of my father's tombstone.

kneeling, i put down the boquet of flowers beside the tombstone and lit up the candles.

even though i can't remember him anymore, he still had memories with me, i still grew with them, and i always feel guilty when it comes with the time that i can't even remember any small details about him.

my mother always told me that it's okay because it's just normal since i had an amnesia but every person wants to remember each and every special people around them, and i want to remember everything and everyone back then.

"dad, mom told me to bring these flowers for you, he always missed you, now that she's overexerting herself with the businesses alone, but don't worry dad, your daughter will be here to help her, i know you've been around always and i hope you watch mom by her back as well." i started talking.

"but you know dad, i always want to remember things, this is hard, i want to remember the moments when i was with you, when we were all together, and my great best friend..." i paused for a while.

my great best friend, i don't know what happened to him back then, i only know that i had one because mom told me a little detail about it but seems like she don't want me to know more about him.

after talking about my everything life i stood up and looked around, finding for haechan, he's probably stumbling around everywhere again.

"hey!" i ran towards his back when i saw him standing in front of a certain tombstone.

"this is.. odd... that person died in a very young age and it feels so weird for me.." he uttered so i also looked at to where he was staring.

bless me achoo ↺ lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now