Chapter 10: My White Lily

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Akashi POV

When I was younger, my father was very strict with me.

He's always been that way.

He was a cold-hearted man with a face of stone and dark calculating eyes. All he ever cared about was business, and his company, and the success of the Akashi bloodline. Nothing was more important than those things.

Not even his own family to begin with. Not if it any of it had to do with failure.

My mother was a kind, gentle soul. Her hair, like mine, was a brilliant red. But hers was like that of a beautiful red rose. She was utterly breathtaking.

I loved her.

She was always there for me and helped me every step of the way. While my father pushed me to only sought after victory, my mother pulled me back and slowly lead me down the path of many mistakes of which I could learn from.

My father hated that. More like he hated her, or more so her way of thinking.

"You're making him weak, Shiori. There's not room for mistakes and failure here," He would say.

"That's how he learns, Masaomi. He's only a child! This is not right," She would answer.

Though they did not think the same way, they would never truly argue or fight. They merely distanced themselves from one and other, one never pushing too hard or going too far against the other.

Whenever Father would lecture me too much or train me too hard, Mother would always take me away from that environment.

We'd escape outside to the gardens in the back.

I still remember it, clear as day.

Gorgeously lush greens all around with dozens different vibrant colors popping out and many different breathtaking flowers in full bloom.

But the most beautiful ones were as pure as snow, almost glimmering under the sunlight where they sat. Yes, I remember: they were the enchanting white lilies, and they were my mother's favorites.


"Mommy! Mommy! I wanna play basketball!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"That's wonderful, sweetheart. I'm so glad you've found something you love." She smiled sweetly, gently patting my head.

My father, on the other hand, was none-too pleased.

"Basketball? Seijuuro, you are to be the heir to the Akashi company. I do not intent to humor such foolishness."

Despite this, my mother encouraged me further to pursue my rather silly dreams of playing basketball, blatantly disregarding my father's protests.

While I was happily playing, I never really realized it at the time.

My mother's condition, that is.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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