Chapter 7: Unforgiving or Unwilling?

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"Hah..." I breathed out heavily as I continued to splash water in my face to cool my head.

What's wrong with me?!

Crying out there? How shameful! How undignified! Tch. How embarrassing.

And that damned Akashi Seijuuro...

I can't believe I even considered making it all up with them!

I clenched my fists, glaring in the mirror before wiping my face with a paper towel.


The door opened, revealing none other than Ogiwara.

I glanced up at him.

"What is it, Ogi-kun?"

"Everyone's worried about you, you know. I came in to check on you. You're lucky it was me and not that Akashi," Ogiwara scolded, though his voice was gentler and full of worry and concern.

My frown deepened.

"Don't speak about him. Why bring him up now anyways?" I asked in a colder tone.

Ogiwara shook his head, walking over to me. He slowly cupped my cheek with his warm hand.


Ah...He said my name.

He moved his other hand to my other cheek, running his thumb over, caressing my face. "I care about you, Tetsuya. We all do," He cooed, and stared back deeply into my eyes. "Tetsuya, I—"

"Ogiwara Shigehiro," A voice of menace interrupted, door swinging open.

Akashi Seijuuro stood in the doorway, an expression none-too-pleased. He crossed his arms and strode inside, grabbing my wrist and suddenly yanking me over and out of Ogiwara's grasp.

"We were not done discussing earlier, Tetsuya." He said my voice in a more hard, commanding tone. He sent a devilish glare over at Ogiwara. I've never seen Akashi like this before.

"Akashi," I frowned at the redhead as Ogiwara stepped in front of us, grabbing my other wrist.

"I apologize, but I still need to finish my own conversation with him." I said. I've never seen Ogiwara like this either. What's gotten into them both?

Dead silence.

Anything could happen next.

Anything could—

"AKASHICCHI!!!! AOMINECCHI'S BEING A BIG—" Kise stood now agape in the doorway, seeing Akashi and Ogiwara both grasping each of my wrists with flares that could kill and eliminate. He squeaked.

"S-S-S-SORRY!!!!" He flailed his arms as Akashi's glare toned down.

"Ryouta, thank you for bringing us back to..." He glanced briefly at Ogiwara then I. "Reality."

Akashi then gave a small bow. "I apologize for the misunderstanding. I meant no hostility." His tone sounded rehearsed, as if a simple business transaction you had to follow, like or not. Ogiwara followed suit with this and bowed in return, both of them releasing me.

"...No, it's my fault. Water under the bridge."

I clenched my fists. Damn, what a day.

"Ahem." Kise coughed before he gave a bright goofy grin. Oh how I remember that annoyingly cheeky grin.

"C'mon, Kurokocchi!"

As I've been noticing, the familiar "-cchi" was back, as if it never had been gone at all.

"Let's go and finish eating or else Aominecchi and Kagamicchi will eat it all!" He giggled and took my hand, pulling me out of the bathroom.

I must say, at least for now, I'm thanking him. Kise's an idiot, but even he could feel the dangerous tension in that room.

After a few moments, Akashi had returned to the table, as did Ogiwara.

The dimmer was silent the rest of the time, an air of grimness somehow filling it. How remorseful people felt.


"Tet-Tet!" Tokatsu squealed, rubbing his cheek against mine. "You did so well in your last game!" He praised me as he then released. He giggled.

"I'm so happy you let me supervise this sleepover!" He swooned before I sighed softly.

"Toka-nii, you begged to do this. We're all in college." I deadpanned in return as Tokatsu pursed his lips in a pout.

Dinner was over, and we were all to spend the night at one of Akashi's other stay homes. He had them all over Japan and more. They were mansions, basically, so all of the teams and so on would be nothing to sneeze at.

Right now, we were on the bus on the way there and Tokatsu had insisted on sitting with me until we arrived. Ogiwara hadn't talked to me since the bathroom incident, and the other teammates were quiet, doing their own things. It was weird, really.

"Tet-Tet." My brother's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"What is it, Toka-nii?" I raised a brow at my brother, who held a more solemn expression now.

"How is it with the others?"

Others, referring to the GoM (and Kagami) mainly.

After a long moment of silence, I soon let out a long sigh.

"...I don't know, Toka-nii," I hissed under my breath, honestly growing irritated of myself.

Only but a few days ago, I would've gone on about how I'd enjoy sending their souls to Hell to the Devil himself. About how I hated them with every fiber of my being. About how I'd relish in their pain and suffering and my ploy of revenge.

Why must I be wavering about this all now?

I don't understand.

Tokatsu simply hummed in response.

"I see, I see. Chi-chan explained briefly about the dinner," He added, making Mayuzumi look out the window 'innocently', not meeting my gaze.


"So, it seems like there's something more going on, Tet-Tet. Are you going to go through with your revenge and crush their hearts as they crushed yours?" He asked in an icy tone.


His voice was dripping with a bitter sweetness.

"Will you forgive them and slow your heart to finally heal and accept?" He cooed into my ear.

I bit down on my bottom lip. I felt like I was drawing blood now, but my body felt too numb to tell.

"Being unforgiving is one thing, Tet-Tet..."


"But what if you're just..."


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