Quote 11

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*Song: Little Do You Know - Alex & Sierra*

1) I walk in the darkness so that others may see the light.

2) Nobody every tells you that emptiness weights the most

3) You have no Idea how I feel, So SHUT UP

4) Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to make hell feel like home.

5) It's hard to answer the question "What's wrong?" when nothins right

6) The tears are like fire, as they fall down my face. I feel as though I'm in hell. NO. It's just home.

7) Your eyes stole all my words away (This is not a loving quote..People who are going though depression or were will know what this means)

8) Show no emotion. Feel no pain.

9) No emotions.

No feeling.

No problems

10) Show no love. Love will get you killed

11) "Who are you?"

"Demon to some. Angel to others"

12) I tried, I lied, I died

13) They tell you to be yourself, but then they always judge you

14) Hell is empty and all the devils are here

15) What's worst?

Dying when you want to Live OR Living when you want to Die

16) The bad part about being so numb is there will come a time when you'll want to feel something, but you want know how

17) "We cannot change the truth...no matter how much we dislike it"

18) There will always be people who say mean words, because you are different

19) There are place in my mind, No One should go, Ever go

20) I'm her black wings that make her beautiful

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These may not all seem depressing though if you are or have been depressed you would know what I mean


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