Quote 14

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*Song: Her Last Words - Courtney Parker*

1) Give me time and I will repair all the mistake and mess I have caused you, but after that I will be a ghost of the person  I was once 

2) Trust your heart

3) Just follow me and run like your life depends on it. Because it does.

4) Real pain is emotional pain. That is the kind of pain that last.

5) The reasons why I keep my feelings to myself, is because I can't explain them

6) We try to hide your feelings, but we forget our eyes speak

7) Death seems more inviting then life

8) 'Are you okay?'

'Yeah...I'm just tried'

Torn apart


Really faking my smile

Extremely sad

Drowning in my tears

9) Make sure your silence is your choice, and not because you are scared of what your voice may say

10) No one listened. 

So I gave up.

I just sat there in silence....

11) Mental pain is dramatic then physical pain, but it is more common and also hard to bear. The frequent attempt to cancel mental pain increases the burden. It is easy to say "My tooth is aching" than to say "My heart is broken"

12) She was drowning, but nobody saw her struggle

13) Sometimes the worst place you can be, is in your own head

14) You're not a bad person, for the ways you tried to kill your sadness

15) I draw with silver and it turns red....Magic

16) You can either look at things in a brutal truthful way that's depressing or you can screw around and have fun

17) I can't take this anymore

18) Light is easy to love show me your darkness

19) In the 1980's, there weren't a lot of role models for gay teenagers

20) The one thing you shouldn't be left alone with at night, is your own thoughts. The eat you alive till the next morning

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