Chapter 15

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Unknown's pov
  "No! You can't hurt her! We've talked about this" a voice from the phone replied

  "Come on. Don't you trust me? I won't hurt her...that much and you get to be the hero in the end. Like WE talked about." I said hanging up.

BGT Finals

Alyssa/Erica's pov
Ugh! I'm so nervous. My parents told me they're going to introduce me to everyone after my performance but I don't know. People might think I'm using that to win BGT. I'm so nervous! It just doesn't feel right

"And now our not so little beautiful composer is here to perform! ALYSSA!" I heard Ant&Dec called me

"Here goes nothing" I sighed

I smiled at everyone, specially my parents when I saw them

"Teach me how to cry
to express all the pain I'm feeling inside.
In this world all I wanted is to fly
and run away from all the problems I pushed aside.
So please teach me how to cry
Because I still don't want to die
I may have problems, but  know I can solve them
Just, teach me how to cry
I still want to survive"
I sung from my heart and the moment I stopped everyone stood up and clapped

"Ohmygosh" I expressed while laughing a little bit

"Booyah! That's my golden buzzer!!" David shouted that made the other judges roll their eyes annoyed. I laughed to see their expressions and I looked at my mom to see her face and mouthing "I'm so proud of you" and I smiled back at her and Dad was about to talk when we heard gun shots

"Ahhh!!!" I hear a lot of people scream and running towards the exit but to me everything seems blurry and I can feel somebody pulling me towards the door too.

I looked over and I saw my Dad pulling me to the exit and I gave him a worried smile.

When we came outside Aunt Alesha immediately hugged me for comfort and my Dad looking around.

"Help!!!" I heard someone shouts when Aunt Alesha let go of me and scream and Dad went running towards the man who shouted

When my vision seems to get better I saw Uncle David carrying my Mom all bloody

"No!" I let out a whisper and felt my tears starting to fall

I don't know what's happening anymore. I only focused on my mom being brought inside the ambulance when my Dad dragged me to go inside a car and felt it moving

At the Hospital
Simon's pov
I'm pacing back and fort waiting for the doctor to come out of the surgery room. Amanda was shot near her kidney and they need to operate to get the bullet out.

I'm still pacing when somebody hugged from behind
"Daddy, I'm scared" I heard my baby girl cried and I hugged her back

"I know sweetheart but we have to be strong for your Mom ok?" I tried to comfort her while we sat beside David and Alesha. David broke his arms when he fell from the stairs

"Bro thank you for saving Mandy." I thanked him

"That was nothing. I'm just hoping she'll be alright." He said.

After 3hra of waiting we heard the OR doors open and saw the doctor coming towards us

I stood quickly and asked "How is she?"

The doctor looked at me and sighed.

"Nooo.." I whispered in my head.

"Well... Mr.Cowell,"

"How's Amanda doctor?" I heard someone asked behind me and when I turned to look it was Chris. Wth!

Now the doctor is looking at us confused

"Uhm, I'm her boyfriend doctor" I said bravely to the doctor while glaring at Chris.

He probably did this!

"Let's talk to my office then Mr. Cowell. Follow me"

And cliffhanger again folks! Don't know anything about medical blahblah, sorry. Lol thank you guys for waiting for so long. I know it's been so long and I got lazy. Haha I'll try my best to update soon but no promises.

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