Chapter 5

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"excuse me" Amanda said before aswering the call
"Hello?!" Amanda answered with an irritated voice
"We're really sorry to call you at this time Ms.Holden but there are an emergency meeting for all the judges and the crew of BGT and we need all of you immediately..." one of the staff spoke on the phone
"But I have ore important thins to do!" Amanda saud in an angry voice which made Gladys and Sarah looked at her with curiousity
"We're really sorry Ms.Holden but we really need you..." Amanda bacame more irritated that she end the call
Amanda looked at Gladys with pleading and sincere eyes and said "Please tell me who she is..." still begging, Amanda didn't notice the tears flowing from her eyes
"Ms.Holden I believe you understand that this is a private matter and we are not even sure if she's really yours... But I believe Sarah can agree with me that we see some resemblance.." Gladys said still thinking if she should tell about Amanda's daughter
"Well then tell me who she is! Please! We can perform an DNA test if that's what you want.. but please tell me who she is" Amanda begged
Gladys and Sarah looked at each other before nodding
They saw how Amanda is longing for her so they decided to tell her
Sarah smiled at Amanda and says "Actually Ms.Holden you already met her"

\Outside of the Orphanage\

Unknown's pov
You may found her but your family won't be complete I'll make sure of it!
\BGT studio\
The judges and the crew is panicking because of the non-stop threats they reaceived.
Everyone was curious because they 're not new with death threats and they don't mind them that much until now...
Specially that Simon is the one who called them for the death threat he received and the crew bacame more curious as they saw how affected he is

Simon's pov
I came to studio to see if if everything's working fine and when I entered our dressing room I saw a letter on my chair..

She's turning sixteen soon...
      I know you still have feelings for your dear Mandy but don't worry, I'm gonna make sure she won't be missed.

NO! HOW?! Whoever this is knows my—our past.
I won't let anything happen to Amanda... Yes.. I still have feelings for her...
I always did
"Simon!" I came back to my senses when David called me
"Snap out of it! Can you tell us what was the threat that you're so affected by it?" Alesha asked me with curiousity in her eyes
Should I tell them?  We've been friends for a long time so...
^Deep breaths^
"It was about me and Amanda.." before I can even continue
"I knew it!" Alesha shouted excitedly
"So you and...her... before..." David emphasized every word he said
"Yes" I replyed shortly
"I don't see what this...oh! Oh!" David and Alesha connected the pieces
"Yes" I replyed shortly again looking down
Before one of us can speak someone entered the studio
It was...

none other than....
Lauren with our son
"Hey babe! I came here as fast as possible! Your PA called me.. what happened?" She kissed me and gave me Eric whose bouncing with joy as soon as he saw me.
I can't help but smile at him but I thought it was Amanda
Wait! Where is she by the way?

Where is she? Does she know about her daughter?

Short I know! But I'm gonna try to keep updating! Thanks a lot for the votes and comments from you guys!

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